April 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Apr 1 01:24:38 UTC 2007
Ending: Mon Apr 30 23:15:39 UTC 2007
Messages: 929
- aptitude & bash completion
Michael Bach (gmx)
- aptitude & bash completion
Michael Bach (gmx)
- ATI FGLRX and Logging Off
Michael Bach (gmx)
- ATI FGLRX and Logging Off
Michael Bach (gmx)
- ATI FGLRX and Logging Off
Michael Bach (gmx)
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Michael Bach (gmx)
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Michael Bach (gmx)
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Michael Bach (gmx)
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Michael Bach (gmx)
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Michael Bach (gmx)
- minimun requirements for feisty
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Loopback encryption
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Codec files
Sharimon A
- Akregator Help
Scott Abbey
- japanese file name not displayed
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
Art Alexion
- Fwd: [USN-447-1] KDE library vulnerabilities
Art Alexion
- Azureas question...
Art Alexion
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
Art Alexion
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
Art Alexion
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
Art Alexion
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Art Alexion
- Edgy vs Dapper Drake?
Art Alexion
- installing vmware-tools in Ubuntu-6.06?
Art Alexion
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Art Alexion
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Art Alexion
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Art Alexion
- evolution and sound support
Art Alexion
- [kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] Kubuntu distribution packages
Art Alexion
- [kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] Kubuntu distribution packages
Art Alexion
- [kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] Kubuntu distribution packages
Art Alexion
- Dapper=>Edgy
Art Alexion
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Art Alexion
- openoffice 2.2 installation using Adept on a Kubuntu 6.06
Art Alexion
- Networking
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- aptitude & bash completion
Art Alexion
- Video Media
Art Alexion
- Podcast aggregator
Art Alexion
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Art Alexion
- Restore
Art Alexion
- Podcast aggregator
Art Alexion
- Podcast aggregator
Art Alexion
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Art Alexion
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Art Alexion
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Art Alexion
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Art Alexion
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Art Alexion
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Art Alexion
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Art Alexion
- Cannot access local LAN/Router
Art Alexion
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Art Alexion
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Art Alexion
- Word Attachments
Art Alexion
- Word Attachments
Art Alexion
- Best strategy for a clean reinstall.
Art Alexion
- Best strategy for a clean reinstall.
Art Alexion
- Word Attachments
Art Alexion
- Best strategy for a clean reinstall.
Art Alexion
- I got scsi drives??
Stephen Allewell
- File Dialogs don't let me see the root tree
Ralph Alvy
- Codec files
Farid Ansari
- [kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] Kubuntu distribution packages
Farid Ansari
- KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"
Farid Ansari
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Farid Ansari
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Farid Ansari
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Farid Ansari
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Farid Ansari
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Farid Ansari
- Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu
Farid Ansari
- minimun requirements for feisty
Farid Ansari
- Command line check gmail
Serg B.
- touch-pad mouse he^H^Hck: can "click" be limited to actual button?
Phil Bieber
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
Phil Bieber
- KDE startup and wifi initialization under Feisty
Phil Bieber
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Phil Bieber
- Codec files
Phil Bieber
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Phil Bieber
- openoffice 2.2 installation using Adept on a Kubuntu 6.06
Phil Bieber
- Dapper=>Edgy
Phil Bieber
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Phil Bieber
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Phil Bieber
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Phil Bieber
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Phil Bieber
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Phil Bieber
- New Feisty User
Phil Bieber
- Restore
Phil Bieber
- Update error
Phil Bieber
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Phil Bieber
- pam_mount.so for mapping cifs shares
Brian Blater
- PCMCIA modem works in Suse 7.2 but not in EE 6.10 using kppp
Uwe Brauer
- PCMCIA modem works in Suse 7.2 but not in EE 6.10 using kppp
Uwe Brauer
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
Bernhard Breinbauer
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
Bernhard Breinbauer
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
Bernhard Breinbauer
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
Bernhard Breinbauer
- How to list an UUID?
- How to list an UUID?
Derek Broughton
- How to list an UUID?
Derek Broughton
- File Dialogs don't let me see the root tree
Derek Broughton
- How to list an UUID?
Derek Broughton
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Derek Broughton
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Derek Broughton
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Derek Broughton
- Dapper=>Edgy
Derek Broughton
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Derek Broughton
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail
Derek Broughton
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Derek Broughton
- KDE Graphic Quality
Derek Broughton
- suspend and scheduled resume
Derek Broughton
- aptitude & bash completion
Derek Broughton
- aptitude & bash completion
Derek Broughton
- aptitude & bash completion
Derek Broughton
- aptitude & bash completion
Derek Broughton
- aptitude & bash completion
Derek Broughton
- Restore
Derek Broughton
- KUbuntu 7.10 release
Derek Broughton
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Derek Broughton
- Front end package managers
Derek Broughton
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Derek Broughton
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Derek Broughton
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Derek Broughton
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Derek Broughton
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Derek Broughton
- Word Attachments
Derek Broughton
- Word Attachments
Derek Broughton
- Word Attachments
Derek Broughton
- internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04
Jonathan Byrne
- New Feisty User
Rick Chagouri-Brindle
- New Feisty User
Rick Chagouri-Brindle
- KDE startup and wifi initialization under Feisty
Leonard Chatagnier
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
Casey Cichon
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail
Dotan Cohen
- Eye of Gnome for KDE?
Dotan Cohen
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Howard Coles
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Howard Coles
- Lost fonts after Feisty upgrade
Bruno Costacurta
- Lost fonts after Feisty upgrade
Bruno Costacurta
- Lost fonts after Feisty upgrade
Bruno Costacurta
- Podcast aggregator
Richard S. Crawford
- Podcast aggregator
Richard S. Crawford
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Jörg Czeschla
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Jörg Czeschla
- No WLAN on Feisty-Laptop
Jörg Czeschla
- No WLAN on Feisty-Laptop [solved]
Jörg Czeschla
- aptitude & bash completion
Michel D'HOOGE
- aptitude & bash completion
Michel D'HOOGE
- Konqueror's viewmode_toolbar with multiple icons
Michel D'HOOGE
- Wireless printing
- openoffice 2.2 installation using Adept on a Kubuntu 6.06
Adrienne J Davis
- Command line check gmail
John DeCarlo
- How does one add content types to Firefox
John DeCarlo
- on-screen display program/command?
John DeCarlo
- I had upgraded to 7.0.4 betanow how do I tell...
John DeCarlo
- I had upgraded to 7.0.4 betanow how do I tell...
John DeCarlo
- Podcast aggregator
John DeCarlo
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
John DeCarlo
- KDE startup and wifi initialization under Feisty
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
- Command line check gmail
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
- Command line check gmail
- Command line check gmail
- Command line check gmail
- Command line check gmail
- Command line check gmail
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
- Codec files
- Dapper=>Edgy
- Codec files
- Codec files
- [kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] Kubuntu distribution packages
- on-screen display program/command?
- on-screen display program/command?
- Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.
- KDE Graphic Quality
- KDE Graphic Quality
- KDE Graphic Quality
- KDE Graphic Quality
- KDE Graphic Quality
- KDE Graphic Quality
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
- hi
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail -- Success!
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Gnome-desktop from Kubuntu
- Gnome-desktop from Kubuntu
- Gnome-desktop from Kubuntu
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- aptitude & bash completion
- aptitude & bash completion
- aptitude & bash completion
- aptitude & bash completion
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
- KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
- Restore
- I had upgraded to 7.0.4 betanow how do I tell...
- Restore
- KUbuntu 7.10 release
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
- mailing list thread mash ups
- Front end package managers
- mailing list thread mash ups
- Problem
- partition problems
- Lost fonts after Feisty upgrade
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
- Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu
- Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu
- Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
- Konqueror's viewmode_toolbar with multiple icons
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
- beryl trouble - no window bars
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox (solved)
- minimun requirements for feisty
- beryl trouble - no window bars
- konq won´t open
- konq won´t open
- USB External Hard Disk access blocked
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
- cached translations: how to get rid of those?
- Firefox and Thunderbird Menu fonts
- Home folder screwed up
- Home folder screwed up
- nautilus
- Button sizes in title bar
- Attach tabs in (primarily) Konqueror
- nautilus
- Epson Stylus CX3700 entry?
- Best strategy for a clean reinstall.
- Best strategy for a clean reinstall.
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
- No sound on Feisty on ThinkPad
Paul Dufresne
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Paul Dufresne
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Paul Dufresne
- I got a PATA drive??
Paul Dufresne
- Help with PowerPC Install
Aaron Duncan
- Update Manager Needs Update & STOPS WORKING
Aaron Duncan
- Update Manager Needs Update & STOPS WORKING-RESOLVED
Aaron Duncan
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
Jiri Dvorak
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
Jiri Dvorak
- autoremove
Arthur Dyck
- autoremove
Arthur Dyck
- on-screen display program/command?
D. R. Evans
- on-screen display program/command?
D. R. Evans
- on-screen display program/command?
D. R. Evans
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
D. R. Evans
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
D. R. Evans
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
D. R. Evans
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
D. R. Evans
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
D. R. Evans
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
D. R. Evans
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
D. R. Evans
- KUbuntu 7.10 release
D. R. Evans
- Ktorrent Optimization
D. R. Evans
- Ktorrent and speed issues
D. R. Evans
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
D. R. Evans
- Codec files
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- Kubuntu and file permissions
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- problems installing kbabel
Oscar Farfán
- problems installing kbabel
Oscar Farfán
- hi
Oscar Farfán
- minimun requirements for feisty
Oscar Farfán
- thunderbird and feisty
Oscar Farfán
- thunderbird and feisty
Oscar Farfán
- thunderbird and feisty
Oscar Farfán
- USB External Hard Disk access blocked
Jorge Ferrada
- kxdock
Norman Feurtado
- release day!
Felipe Figueiredo
- Contents of Kubuntu DVD Iso
Felipe Figueiredo
- Contents of Kubuntu DVD Iso
Felipe Figueiredo
- Wireless printing
John L Fjellstad
- Reply to Kubuntu and McAfee
John L Fjellstad
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
John L Fjellstad
- Reply to Kubuntu and McAfee
John L Fjellstad
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
John L Fjellstad
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
John L Fjellstad
- File Dialogs don't let me see the root tree
Matthew Flaschen
- Command line check gmail
Matthew Flaschen
- Codec files
Matthew Flaschen
- How does one add content types to Firefox
Matthew Flaschen
- Codec files
Matthew Flaschen
- How does one add content types to Firefox
Matthew Flaschen
- Codec files
Matthew Flaschen
- Codec files
Matthew Flaschen
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail
Matthew Flaschen
- kxdock
Matthew Flaschen
- KDE Graphic Quality
Matthew Flaschen
- Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.
Matthew Flaschen
- Feisty Version Upgrade
Matthew Flaschen
- Recent documents
Matthew Flaschen
- Core 2 Duo CPU temperature (with lm-sensors)
Matthew Flaschen
- Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.
Matthew Flaschen
- suspend and scheduled resume
Matthew Flaschen
- KAudioCreator and Mp3 player playing order
Matthew Flaschen
- KAudioCreator and Mp3 player playing order
Matthew Flaschen
- I would like to know, on how to read OO.o files in MS Office, especially the fonts. May I know how to add Free Fonts to MS Office?
Matthew Flaschen
- problems installing kbabel
Matthew Flaschen
- KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"
Matthew Flaschen
- KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"
Matthew Flaschen
- KUbuntu 7.10 release
Matthew Flaschen
- KUbuntu 7.10 release
Matthew Flaschen
- Contents of Kubuntu DVD Iso
Matthew Flaschen
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Matthew Flaschen
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Matthew Flaschen
- Front end package managers
Matthew Flaschen
- mailing list thread mash ups
Matthew Flaschen
- Contents of Kubuntu DVD Iso
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- Restore
Matthew Flaschen
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Matthew Flaschen
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Matthew Flaschen
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox
Matthew Flaschen
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Matthew Flaschen
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox (solved) + K control Center
Matthew Flaschen
- konq won´t open
Matthew Flaschen
- IBM T23: no Num-lock and Scroll-lock
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- thunderbird and feisty
Matthew Flaschen
- thunderbird and feisty
Matthew Flaschen
- Contents of Kubuntu DVD Iso
Matthew Flaschen
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Matthew Flaschen
- konq won´t open
Matthew Flaschen
- Loopback encryption
Matthew Flaschen
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- What is the proper upgrade path for Ubuntu 6.10 ?
Matthew Flaschen
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Matthew Flaschen
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Matthew Flaschen
- partition problems: dual-booting
FX Fraipont
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox
FX Fraipont
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox (solved) + K control Center
FX Fraipont
- Importing mail and contact into thunderbird
FX Fraipont
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
mark Fraser
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
mark Fraser
- beagle daemon won't start
mark Fraser
- Re: konq won´t open
mark Fraser
- Epson Stylus CX3700 entry?
mark Fraser
- cached translations: how to get rid of those?
Donatas G.
- cached translations: how to get rid of those?
Donatas G.
- What is the proper upgrade path for Ubuntu 6.10 ?
David William Galea
- fiesty kernel 2.6.20-14 upgrade problems
Luis E. Barrueco Gallardo
- Kopete Issues
Luis E. Barrueco Gallardo
- Kubuntu DVD ISO
Mário Gamito
- Firefox and Thunderbird Menu fonts
Mário Gamito
- Firefox and Thunderbird Menu fonts
Mário Gamito
- KUBUNTU OS 6.06LTS fd0 - floppy disk - impossible de monter, activer ce périphérique
Denis Gaulin
- Kopete: winpoup and GTalk through proxy server
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Kopete: winpoup and GTalk through proxy server
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Good quality postscript colour printing
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Passwordless shares with samba
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Amarok, Last.fm and proxy
Jose Gomez-Dans
- Recent documents
Chris Gow
- Restore
Chris Gow
- KUbuntu 7.10 release
Chris Gow
- Booting Kubuntu from CD on a PowerMac G4?
- Booting Kubuntu from CD on a PowerMac G4?
- Help with PowerPC Install
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
- Floppy Installation.
Richard Grant
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Richard Grant
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
James Gray
- upgrade from "64 bit kubuntu" to" i386 normal pc"
- upgrade from "64 bit kubuntu" to" i386 normal pc"
- upgrade from "64 bit kubuntu" to" i386 normal pc"
- openoffice 2.2 installation using Adept on a Kubuntu 6.06
Christophe Guilbert
- Kubuntu 6.06 - vmware player 1.03 run as root only. want to make it work for regular user
Christophe Guilbert
- Networking
- Networking
- on-screen display program/command?
- Raise/Lower volume and mixer audio channel choice
Andy Harrison
- Networking
Andy Harrison
- Raise/Lower volume and mixer audio channel choice
Andy Harrison
- When will Kubuntu Feisty Fawn be available on DVD
Andy Harrison
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andy Harrison
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andy Harrison
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andy Harrison
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andy Harrison
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andy Harrison
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andy Harrison
- Wireless printing
Harold Hartley
- KDE startup and wifi initialization under Feisty
Larry Hartman
- Pearson and CourseCompass
Larry Hartman
- Pearson and CourseCompass
Larry Hartman
- Pearson and CourseCompass
Larry Hartman
- Feisty Version Upgrade
Larry Hartman
- KDE Graphic Quality
Larry Hartman
- fiesty battery monitor & network manager problems
Larry Hartman
- ATI releases 2.6.20 drivers
Larry Hartman
- ATI FGLRX and Logging Off
Larry Hartman
- ATI FGLRX and Logging Off
Larry Hartman
- ATI FGLRX and Logging Off
Larry Hartman
- mailing list thread mash ups
Larry Hartman
- partition problems: dual-booting
Larry Hartman
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Larry Hartman
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Larry Hartman
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue? (fixed)
Larry Hartman
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Larry Hartman
- Command line check gmail
Gene Heskett
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail
Michael Hirsch
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Michael Hirsch
- Front end package managers
Michael Hirsch
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Michael Hirsch
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Michael Hirsch
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Michael Hirsch
- aptitude & bash completion
Sarah Hobbs
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Sarah Hobbs
- release day!
Rik Hoevers
- release day!
Rik Hoevers
- Kubuntu With USB Wireless Adapters
Michael W. Holdeman
- fiesty battery monitor & network manager problems
Michael W. Holdeman
- fiesty battery monitor & network manager problems
Michael W. Holdeman
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Michael W. Holdeman
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
Michael W. Holdeman
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
Michael W. Holdeman
- minimun requirements for feisty
- Update Manager Needs Update & STOPS WORKING
- Home folder screwed up
- Home folder screwed up
- Home folder screwed up
- Sharing my new drive
- Sharing my new drive
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
- Booting Kubuntu from CD on a PowerMac G4?
Andrew Jarrett
- Pearson and CourseCompass
Andrew Jarrett
- Feisty Version Upgrade
Andrew Jarrett
- Re: Can´t turn off power-saving?
Andrew Jarrett
- Re: Can´t turn off power-saving?
Andrew Jarrett
- Re: Can´t turn off power-saving?
Andrew Jarrett
- Re: Can´t turn off power-saving?
Andrew Jarrett
- New Feisty User
Andrew Jarrett
- When will Kubuntu Feisty Fawn be available on DVD
Andrew Jarrett
- Bug in KDM Theme Manager?
Andrew Jarrett
- Bug in KDM Theme Manager?
Andrew Jarrett
- Configure a Canyon CN-WCAM313 webcam
Andrew Jarrett
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andrew Jarrett
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andrew Jarrett
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Andrew Jarrett
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
Andrew Jarrett
- Configure a Canyon CN-WCAM313 webcam
Andrew Jarrett
- I got scsi drives??
Andrew Jarrett
- I got scsi drives??
Andrew Jarrett
- internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04
Andrew Jarrett
- Kubuntu Feisty Fawn Beta Release (ppc/macintosh)
Irena and Richard Jenkins
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Jonathan Jesse
- touch-pad mouse he^H^Hck: can "click" be limited to actual button?
- Warning: device /dev/hda1 is already handled by /etc/fstab
- ARCHIVES don't search well [was:File Dialogs don't let me see the root tree]
- Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.
- Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.
- Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.
- [solved (I think)]Re: Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.
- edgy & my hp D4160 (d4100 driver) mix poorly...
- from dapper to edgy: a problem with screen/font size
- from dapper to edgy: a problem with screen/font size
- from dapper to edgy: a problem with screen/font size
- File Dialogs don't let me see the root tree
Howard Coles Jr.
- Networking
Howard Coles Jr.
- Networking
Howard Coles Jr.
- Audio garbled when video is displayed
Howard Coles Jr.
- Audio garbled when video is displayed
Howard Coles Jr.
- upgrade from "64 bit kubuntu" to" i386 normal pc"
Howard Coles Jr.
- Kubuntu DVD ISO
Howard Coles Jr.
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Howard Coles Jr.
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Howard Coles Jr.
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Howard Coles Jr.
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Howard Coles Jr.
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Howard Coles Jr.
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Howard Coles Jr.
- Problem
Osman Kemal Kadiroğlu
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
Paul Kaplan
- kpowermanager problem
Paul Kaplan
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
- Kubuntu live cd hangs during startup
- KDE startup and wifi initialization under Feisty
Nils Kassube
- Kubuntu DVD ISO
Nils Kassube
- Restore
Nils Kassube
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Nils Kassube
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Nils Kassube
- Cannot access local LAN/Router
Nils Kassube
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Nils Kassube
- internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04
Nils Kassube
- recommendation for a 64bit laptop
Kevin Kempter
- acs? (was: Re: on-screen display program/command?)
Jeff.Hodges at KingsMountain.com
- Xscreensaver crashes system
- Core 2 Duo CPU temperature (with lm-sensors)
- KDE Graphic Quality
- Automounter setting to root
- KDE Graphic Quality
- Planeshift MMORPG, a liitle of topic.
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Luke Knowles
- Podcast aggregator
Luke Knowles
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Luke Knowles
- Word Attachments
Luke Knowles
- hi
Tenzin Kunkyab
- how to install on PDC20276 (stripped raid)?
Alexander Kuprijanov
- Importing mail and contact into thunderbird
Stratos Laspas
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
Edmund Laugasson
- VNC on Kubuntu problem
Edmund Laugasson
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Edmund Laugasson
- Kubuntu Edgy & printer ink levels
- Kubuntu Edgy & printer ink levels
- Kubuntu Edgy & printer ink levels
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
Brenton Leighton
- Kubuntu Edgy & printer ink levels
Brenton Leighton
- Podcast aggregator
Brenton Leighton
- Video Media
- New Feisty User
- Restore
- Restore
- Restore
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
- Podcast aggregator
- Re: can´t choose Ubuntu in grub menu
- Cannot access local LAN/Router
- What's Wrong With kwebdesktop?
Andrew M
- activating my wifi
Alihaji Mabrur
- Noiseless shutdown + Kubuntu 7.04
Magyari, Balázs
- Configure a Canyon CN-WCAM313 webcam
Magyari, Balázs
- Configure a Canyon CN-WCAM313 webcam
Magyari, Balázs
- CDRomUpgrade script crashes
- CUPS and Apple
- recommendation for a 64bit laptop
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
- Reply to Kubuntu and McAfee
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
- Cannot access local LAN/Router
- Solved: Cannot access local LAN/Router
- KDE Graphic Quality
Bruce Marshall
- KDE Graphic Quality
Bruce Marshall
- KDE Graphic Quality
Bruce Marshall
- KDE Graphic Quality
Bruce Marshall
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Bruce Marshall
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Bruce Marshall
- thunderbird and feisty
Danni Matzk
- thunderbird and feisty
Danni Matzk
- File Dialogs don't let me see the root tree
D. Michael McIntyre
- on-screen display program/command?
D. Michael McIntyre
- Realtime security breach
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE Graphic Quality
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE Graphic Quality
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE Graphic Quality
D. Michael McIntyre
- Audio garbled when video is displayed
D. Michael McIntyre
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
D. Michael McIntyre
- Kubuntu Edgy & printer ink levels
D. Michael McIntyre
- aptitude & bash completion
D. Michael McIntyre
- Kubuntu Edgy & printer ink levels
D. Michael McIntyre
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
D. Michael McIntyre
- Calling Kubuntu Inkscape users
D. Michael McIntyre
- aptitude & bash completion
D. Michael McIntyre
- sound system won´t do full duplex
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"
D. Michael McIntyre
- Restore
D. Michael McIntyre
- Wireless printing
D. Michael McIntyre
- Wireless printing
D. Michael McIntyre
- Attach tabs in (primarily) Konqueror
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE Graphic Quality
Michael D. Stemle, Jr.
- KDE Graphic Quality
Michael D. Stemle, Jr.
- KDE Graphic Quality
Michael D. Stemle, Jr.
- Feisty Version Upgrade
Michael D. Stemle, Jr.
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Michael D. Stemle, Jr.
- I would like to know, on how to read OO.o files in MS Office, especially the fonts. May I know how to add Free Fonts to MS Office?
Ali Milis
- I would like to know, on how to read OO.o files in MS Office, especially the fonts. May I know how to add Free Fonts to MS Office?
Ali Milis
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Ali Milis
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Ali Milis
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
Chris Miller
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
Chris Miller
- New xserver-xorg-video-intel Breaks Something...
Chris Miller
- minimun requirements for feisty
Chris Miller
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
Chris Miller
- Importing mail and contact into thunderbird
Axel Mohr
- k3b on Dapper
Robert Morrison
- Accelerator Keys
Robert Morrison
- OpenOffice.org 2.2 debs
Ron Morse
- ATI releases 2.6.20 drivers
Ron Morse
- The 7.04 desktop 'live' CD
Ron Morse
- autoremove
Ron Morse
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Ron Morse
- Cannot access local LAN/Router
Ron Morse
- I got a PATA drive??
Ron Morse
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail
Alain Muls
- Kubuntu Edgy & printer ink levels
- Feisty Version Upgrade
Peter Niedzinski
- Feisty Version Upgrade
Peter Niedzinski
- fiesty kernel 2.6.20-14 upgrade problems
Peter Niedzinski
- fiesty kernel 2.6.20-14 upgrade problems
Peter Niedzinski
- No WLAN on Feisty-Laptop
Peter Niedzinski
- Podcast aggregator
Kevin B. O'Brien
- Podcast aggregator
Kevin B. O'Brien
- Podcast aggregator
Kevin B. O'Brien
- Button sizes in title bar
Kevin B. O'Brien
- Button sizes in title bar
Kevin B. O'Brien
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Wafa Hakim Orman
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue?
Wafa Hakim Orman
- Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue? (fixed)
Wafa Hakim Orman
- aptitude & bash completion
Piero Ottuzzi
- Syncing a Nokia N70 phone
OOzy Pal
- Networking
OOzy Pal
- Networking
OOzy Pal
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
OOzy Pal
- Contents of Kubuntu DVD Iso
Robert Parker
- No WLAN on Feisty-Laptop
Paul Payne
- No WLAN on Feisty-Laptop [solved]
Paul Payne
- How does one add content types to Firefox
Douglas Phillipson
- How does one add content types to Firefox
Douglas Phillipson
- Edgy=>Feisty
Douglas Phillipson
- How does one add content types to Firefox
Douglas Phillipson
- Audio garbled when video is displayed
Douglas Phillipson
- Audio garbled when video is displayed
Douglas Phillipson
- Audio garbled when video is displayed
Douglas Phillipson
- When will Kubuntu Feisty Fawn be available on DVD
Douglas Phillipson
- I had upgraded to 7.0.4 betanow how do I tell...
Douglas Phillipson
- I had upgraded to 7.0.4 betanow how do I tell...
Douglas Phillipson
- I had upgraded to 7.0.4 betanow how do I tell...
Douglas Phillipson
- Edgy to Feisty upgrade fails
Douglas Phillipson
- Wireless printing
Douglas Phillipson
- Update error
Douglas Phillipson
- Update error (solved)
Douglas Phillipson
- Syncing a Nokia N70 phone
Daniel Pittman
- How to list an UUID?
Daniel Pittman
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Daniel Pittman
- Networking
Daniel Pittman
- Realtime security breach
Daniel Pittman
- Networking
Daniel Pittman
- anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?
Daniel Pittman
- acs?
Daniel Pittman
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Daniel Pittman
- Good quality postscript colour printing
Daniel Pittman
- recommendation for a 64bit laptop
Daniel Pittman
- sound system won´t do full duplex
Daniel Pittman
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
Daniel Pittman
- sound system won´t do full duplex
Daniel Pittman
- Video Media
Daniel Pittman
- KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"
Daniel Pittman
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Daniel Pittman
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Daniel Pittman
- I got scsi drives??
Daniel Pittman
- Sharing my new drive
Daniel Pittman
- how to install on PDC20276 (stripped raid)?
Daniel Pittman
- [kubuntu-users] Re: release day!
Jonathan Riddell
- [kubuntu-users] The 7.04 desktop 'live' CD
Jonathan Riddell
- Edgy=>Feisty
Nigel Ridley
- NFS questions
Nigel Ridley
- KDE Graphic Quality
Nigel Ridley
- KDE Graphic Quality
Nigel Ridley
- KAudioCreator and Mp3 player playing order
Nigel Ridley
- KAudioCreator and Mp3 player playing order
Nigel Ridley
- KAudioCreator and Mp3 player playing order
Nigel Ridley
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
Nigel Ridley
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
Nigel Ridley
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
Nigel Ridley
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
Nigel Ridley
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Nigel Ridley
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Nigel Ridley
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
Nigel Ridley
- CDRomUpgrade script crashes
Nigel Ridley
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Nigel Ridley
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
Nigel Ridley
- Epson Stylus CX3700 entry?
Nigel Ridley
- Epson Stylus CX3700 entry?
Nigel Ridley
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Nigel Ridley
- Epson Stylus CX3700 entry?
Nigel Ridley
- kubuntu ati radeon pci-e X1600 graphics card problem
Sterling Robison
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
Ian Rose
- NFS questions
Ian Rose
- Edgy=>Feisty
Priyadarsan Roy
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
Behrang Saeedzadeh
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
Behrang Saeedzadeh
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
Behrang Saeedzadeh
- Font Blurry on new Linux Distros
Behrang Saeedzadeh
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Nick Sanders
- Kopete Issues
Divan Santana
- Command line check gmail
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- Core 2 Duo CPU temperature (with lm-sensors)
Fred Schaer
- suspend and scheduled resume
Fred Schaer
- suspend and scheduled resume
Fred Schaer
- suspend and scheduled resume
Fred Schaer
- suspend and scheduled resume
Fred Schaer
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Rafael Alexandre Schmitt
- thunderbird and feisty
Rafael Alexandre Schmitt
- CUPS and Apple
Stew Schneider
- Passwordless shares with samba
Stew Schneider
- I got scsi drives??
Stew Schneider
- I got scsi drives??
Stew Schneider
- internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04
Stew Schneider
- internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04
Michael Schuch
- partition problems
Wolfgang Schuch
- internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04
Wolfgang Schuch
- Kontact & Exchange
Myriam Schweingruber
- Kubuntu DVD ISO
Terence Simpson
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Terence Simpson
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Terence Simpson
- latest feisty kernel can't see hda
Terence Simpson
- Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu
O. Sinclair
- Firefox and Thunderbird Menu fonts
Thilo Six
- from dapper to edgy: a problem with screen/font size
Thilo Six
- from dapper to edgy: a problem with screen/font size
Thilo Six
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
Alexander Smirnov
- Kopete: winpoup and GTalk through proxy server
Alexander Smirnov
- Dapper=>Edgy
Alexander Smirnov
- Dapper=>Edgy
Alexander Smirnov
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Alexander Smirnov
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Alexander Smirnov
- minimun requirements for feisty
Alexander Smirnov
- Xscreensaver crashes system
Thomas Sperre
- Wireless printing
Thomas Sperre
- No sound on Feisty on ThinkPad
- No sound on Feisty on ThinkPad
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
- Beryl on Feisty Fawn
- Help with PowerPC Install
James Tappin
- Raise/Lower volume and mixer audio channel choice
Mike Teehan
- Raise/Lower volume and mixer audio channel choice
Mike Teehan
- When will Kubuntu Feisty Fawn be available on DVD
Mike Teehan
- Podcast aggregator
Mike Teehan
- Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu
Mike Teehan
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail
Robert Tilley
- KDE Graphic Quality
Robert Tilley
- KDE Graphic Quality
Robert Tilley
- Akregator Help
Robert Tilley
- msttcorefonts -- Where are they?
Robert Tilley
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail -- Success!
Robert Tilley
- Konqueror vs. Firefox -- Accessing Gmail
Juan Carlos Torres
- Bug in KDM Theme Manager?
Juan Carlos Torres
- The 7.04 desktop 'live' CD
Juan Carlos Torres
- Podcast aggregator
Ronnie Tucker
- Dual Boot Vista and Kubuntu
Stephen Tuffour
- minimun requirements for feisty
Dax Solomon Umaming
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Dax Solomon Umaming
- How does one add content types to Firefox
Macario Valle
- Recent documents
Macario Valle
- No sound on Feisty on ThinkPad
Macario Valle
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Macario Valle
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Macario Valle
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Macario Valle
- Q: howto find xorg leak?
Macario Valle
- fiesty kernel 2.6.20-14 upgrade problems
Macario Valle
- fiesty kernel 2.6.20-14 upgrade problems
Macario Valle
- Gnome-desktop from Kubuntu
Macario Valle
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Macario Valle
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Macario Valle
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Macario Valle
- KUbuntu 7.10 release [was: Re: KDE: shortcut for "give me application X"]
Macario Valle
- CDRomUpgrade script crashes
Macario Valle
- Home folder screwed up
Macario Valle
- Home folder screwed up
Macario Valle
- From 64 bit to 32 bit?
- KDE Graphic Quality
Earl Violet
- KDE Graphic Quality
Earl Violet
- Edgy vs Dapper Drake?
Earl Violet
- VNC on Kubuntu problem
Earl Violet
- k3b on Dapper
Earl Violet
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Earl Violet
- I got scsi drives??
Earl Violet
- KAudioCreator error
Janne Vänttinen
- Course Compass
Mark Wallace
- KUbuntu 7.10 release
Mark Wallace
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Mark Wallace
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Mark Wallace
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
Mark Wallace
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Mark Wallace
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Mark Wallace
- Front end package managers
Mark Wallace
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Mark Wallace
- Front end package managers
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- Update to Feisty?
Mark Wallace
- Re: can´t choose Ubuntu in grub menu
Mark Wallace
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox (solved)
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- Reply to Kubuntu and McAfee
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Mark Wallace
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
Mark Wallace
- Amarok, Last.fm and proxy
Mark Wallace
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Mark Wallace
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Mark Wallace
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
Mark Wallace
- Test post please ignor
Mark Wallace
- Word Attachments
Mark Wallace
- Word Attachments
Mark Wallace
- Word Attachments
Mark Wallace
- release day!
Pawel Warowny
- Codec files
Clay Weber
- Gnome-desktop from Kubuntu
Clay Weber
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Neil Winchurst
- Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty
Neil Winchurst
- Update to Feisty?
Neil Winchurst
- Attach tabs in (primarily) Konqueror
Roman Wissner
- Attach tabs in (primarily) Konqueror
Roman Wissner
- Word Attachments
Roman Wissner
- Word Attachments
Roman Wissner
- PCMCIA modem works in Suse 7.2 but not in EE 6.10 using kppp
Maynard Wright
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
- msttcorefonts -- Where are they?
- sound system won´t do full duplex
- Feisty Fonts Screwed Up
Jeff Yowell
- Syncing a Nokia N70 phone
Lantiero Zenesi
- Syncing a Nokia N70 phone
Lantiero Zenesi
- Kaffeine - stopped working?
Lantiero Zenesi
- Syncing a Nokia N70 phone
Lantiero Zenesi
- Codec files
Lantiero Zenesi
- Codec files
Lantiero Zenesi
- beryl trouble - no window bars
Pablo Hernán Rodriguez Zivic
- thunderbird and feisty
Pablo Hernán Rodriguez Zivic
- thunderbird and feisty
Pablo Hernán Rodriguez Zivic
- Wifi and wpa
Geiger Zoltán
- Restore
- Ktorrent Optimization
- Ktorrent and speed issues
- Ktorrent and speed issues
- Ktorrent and speed issues
- Quick and Dirty WiFi solution
- nautilus
- nautilus
- fonts and one solution
- Recent documents
- Kubuntu DVD ISO
newburghmark at aol.com
- Kubuntu DVD ISO
newburghmark at aol.com
- Hi...It´s me again...
anthony baldwin
- Can´t turn off power-saving?
anthony baldwin
- Can´t turn off power-saving?
anthony baldwin
- Can´t turn off power-saving?
anthony baldwin
- Can´t turn off power-saving?
anthony baldwin
- sound system won´t do full duplex
anthony baldwin
- sound system won´t do full duplex
anthony baldwin
- sound system won´t do full duplex
anthony baldwin
- sound system won´t do full duplex
anthony baldwin
- Restore
anthony baldwin
- AcrobatReader: A bug or intentionally?
anthony baldwin
- Help with PowerPC Install
anthony baldwin
- can´t choose Ubuntu in grub menu
anthony baldwin
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox (solved)
anthony baldwin
- can´t choose Ubuntu in grub menu
anthony baldwin
- can´t choose Ubuntu in grub menu
anthony baldwin
- konq won´t open
anthony baldwin
- konq won´t open
anthony baldwin
- Update Manager Needs Update & STOPS WORKING
anthony baldwin
- Word Attachments
anthony baldwin
- Pearson and CourseCompass
- Realtime security breach
bob at coldsource.net
- Xscreensaver crashes system
pkaplan1 at comcast.net
- Akregator Help
ben darby
- Kontact & Exchange
- Kontact & Exchange
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
macariov at gmail.com
- Upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04
macariov at gmail.com
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
POD69 at gmx.net
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
POD69 at gmx.net
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
POD69 at gmx.net
- Feisty doesnt find my harddisk!
POD69 at gmx.net
- Kubuntu DVD ISO
- konqueror error while loading could not connect to host
- Ktorrent and speed issues
- hi
uriah heep
- Beagle - Kerry/Beagle
john d. herron
- The 7.04 desktop 'live' CD
john d. herron
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox
john d. herron
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox (solved)
john d. herron
- Telling Konqueror not to preempt Firefox (solved) + K control Center
john d. herron
- Update Manager Needs Update & STOPS WORKING
- Recent documents
list at loampitsfarm.co.uk
- Reply to Kubuntu and McAfee
- Why the distinction between free software and GPL software is important
- Power manager (from Ubuntu): How do you stop it?
- k3b permissions error
gordon mcmanus
- kubuntu ati radeon pci-e X1600 graphics card problem
- vim-gtk
- Where is Acroread in Feisty?
- Mail System Error - Returned Mail
jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Last message date:
Mon Apr 30 23:15:39 UTC 2007
Archived on: Tue Oct 9 14:08:42 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).