Why is my /etc/fstab being ignored.

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sun Apr 8 20:36:57 UTC 2007

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> It would appear that on Apr 7, Matthew Flaschen did say:
>> Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
>>> I don't want them mounted at boot. that is why my /etc/fstab uses
>>> "user,noauto" But now they all mount at boot... ARRRRGHGHGHGHa!!!!
>> noauto should do it.  Please attach your entire /etc/fstab file.
> OK see attached...

Thanks.  Now which are being automounted?  I noted that you have
conflicting entries for several removable media entries, which I don't
believe is allowed.  For comparison, my fstab is attached to this
message.  I have only one cd entry, but I can still burn and read both
cds and dvds thanks to udev.  I don't really know how floppies work on

Matt Flaschen
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