[kubuntu-users] Re: [kubuntu-users] Kubuntu distribution packages

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Wed Apr 4 18:20:12 UTC 2007

On Thursday 22 March 2007 10:09, Sarah Hobbs wrote:
> > That's what I'm counting on and that's why I am starving myself of all
> > the new versions of KDE and Firefox etc. in order to have a stable system
> > for the longest period.
> I'm still not sure that dapper is so stable - ie, edgy's getting more
> stable release updates, but am not about to argue this point.

I think I know what Donn meant by stable.  Stable in the sense that stuff that 
is configured and works, continues to work.  

Sure, a correctly configured Edgy with all of the updates may be "stable" but 
what I mean by stable, and I suspect what Donn means, is a system that works 
without working out the inevitable upgrade kinks that steal hours and 
sometimes days from production.


Art Alexion

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