aptitude & bash completion

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Tue Apr 17 14:53:06 UTC 2007

Thanks to help from this people on this list, my switch from apt-get to 
aptitude seems to be working fine now.

One thing I am not getting (Dapper) is bash completion with aptitude like I 
got with apt-get.

'sudo apt-get i<tab>' results in 'sudo apt-get install'
'sudo apt-get install bas<tab><tab> results in presenting me with choices of 
packages begining with 'bas'

None of this works with aptitude.

Dapper comes with bash-3.1-2ubuntu10

The current version of bash seems to support aptitude (see 

Is there a way to update my version of bash to support this?  I don't mind 
hand patching the file as long as I know what to add.

Art Alexion

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