Q: howto find xorg leak?

Macario Valle macariov at gmail.com
Thu Apr 12 17:46:13 UTC 2007

Better yet;  Use top in batch mode to write top a log file every so many
minutes, I'd try five, let it run for a while and then just go back and
analize the data.  You will certainly find the culprit this way.  You
can use crontab to do so:
1. Type crontab -e
2. insert the following line, assuming you will use the five minutes

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/nice -19 /usr/bin/top -n1  >>/home/$USER/$(date +\%
d\%m\%Y).log 2>&1

3.When you are done and have finished gathering your data go back to
edit crontab  and get rid of this job.

On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 16:23 +0200, Donn wrote:
> > So, can anyone suggest a way to figure out which program is causing the
> > leak?
> run: top
> Press M to sort by memory used. Watch the display.
> hth,
> /d

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