Strange issue upgrading from Edgy to Feisty -- or is it an issue? (fixed)

Wafa Hakim Orman wafa at
Fri Apr 27 22:26:38 UTC 2007

Howard Coles wrote:

> Oh, and installing Synaptic would have been very easy even after the
> sources.list file was modified.  I did this on one machine because I
> sort of had a hunch it was going to cause me trouble.  (it had in the
> past).  Basically all that would have done is upgrade any package
> synaptic depends on.  The only problem you may have experienced would
> have been the missing font syndrome.  Where all the letters in the
> words in Synaptic's interface show up as boxes instead of letters.
> But, you always have the fall back.

So that's what I eventually did -- I installed Synaptic, & you were 
absolutely right. It went through everything -- almost -- with no 
trouble. Of all the weird things, it had an issue installing kamera & 
knetworkmanager. I then keyed in apt-get upgrade at my terminal & it 
fixed those two. I am now in Feisty, working fine, & my crucial 
third-party app (Stata) works just fine too.

I wonder why the Kubuntu folks don't just make Synaptic the default 
package manager? There are enough GTK applications the typical KDE user 
needs that I doubt it would be an issue. Adept seems more user-friendly, 
though. My $0.02.

Thanks once again, Larry & Howard -- appreciate the help.


"So it goes."
	--Kurt Vonnegut

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