internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04

Jonathan Byrne jonathan at
Mon Apr 30 18:10:46 UTC 2007

On 4/30/2007, "Wolfgang Schuch" <w.schuch at> wrote:

>I'm having problems with the settings of my internet configuration: I can't 
>get into the net.

>My PC is connected per cable directly to a router. To this router there is 
>connected a second PC, but we don't work in a network. With this hardware my

>TAB 1
>Network interfaces: there came up automatically a setting, which I did'nt 
>interface: eth0
>IP adress:

This happens when your computer sends out a DHCP request and it doesn't
get an answer from any DHCP server on its LAN. When it gets the DHCP
timeout it will self-assign a 169 address.

>you now the internet settings I had before onthe SuSE:
>- automatical adresses configuration via DHCP
>--IP adress (my PC had the ending '2' for not having conflicts 
>with the other PC, which ends in '3')

Just to clarify, you don't mean that you manually assigned those
addresses, DHCP notwithstanding, correct? That is, the router assigned
.2 to your computer and .3 to the other one? If so, all is well there.

Assuming that to be the case, the problem here is that your computer is
sending a DHCP request and not getting an answer. If your network is
like most people's, the DHCP server is on your router, so that will be
something you want to look at. Some troubleshooting steps to try at this

1) Make sure your network cable between the router and your PC is good,
is firmly plugged in on both ends and the tabs on the plugs aren't
broken. Verify that  you have a link light on the router end and on your
PC (if your PC has a link light for the network plug; most do)

2) If step 1 is OK, verify that the other PC still gets a DHCP address if
you release and renew its address. If it gets a 169.x.x.x address and
can't access the outside world, then it's not getting one either. In
this case, reboot the router next

2A) If the other PC has no problem getting an IP address, then the
problem is not the router. At this point, you could try booting a
Kubuntu live CD and see if you get a DHCP address that way. If not and
if you have any other live CD (Knoppix is very good for this), try that
one as well. If it doesn't work either, double-check your cable again
as in step one and/or try using a different cable.

3) If it still doesn't work, please post back here with more detailed
information about your hardware, especially the make and model of the
network card, or motherboard and chipset if it's an onboard network



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