Button sizes in title bar

Kevin B. O'Brien zwilnik at zwilnik.com
Mon Apr 30 01:19:10 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 23:20 +0200, Donn wrote:
> > I am using Kubuntu Feisty, and have one little annoyance to stomp out.
> > My buttons for minimize, maximize, and close are all too small. Is there
> > a way to increase the size of these?
> >
> Yes. Right-click the title bar -> Configure window behav -> Window Decorations 
> and muck about with the settings. Change the decorations etc. Also change the 
> fonts in Kcontrol as they will affect size too.

Thanks, I found it there. I had to switch to Polyester to get this to
work, but that is fine.


Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
zwilnik at zwilnik.com Linux User #333216
"God made an idiot for practice. Then He made a school board." -- Mark

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