internet connection settings kubuntu 7.04

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Mon Apr 30 22:54:46 UTC 2007

The 169.254.x.x IP address is the tip-off. That's the APIP (Automatic 
Private IP Addressing) space. It means that your machine did not detect 
a DHCP server on the net. That could be because your router is not 
providing one, or because your box isn't listening on the right subnet.

Manually give your box an IP in the range 192.168.1. (something less 
than 100), assuming a linksys router, or 192.168.0. (something less than 
100) on a D-Link, or look at the IP on the other box and see what your 
subnet is.


Wolfgang Schuch wrote:
> Sorry for the text mess in the first email, now it should be OK:
> dear Linux-friends,
> I'm having problems with the settings of my internet configuration: I can't 
> get into the net.
> My situation: instead of the SuSE Linux I've installed the kubuntu 7.04. The 
> settings I'm having actually well be described below.
> My PC is connected per cable directly to a router. To this router there is 
> connected a second PC, but we don't work in a network. With this hardware my 
> internet connection with the SuSE worked without problems.
> The 'Help' text of the 7.04 is not describing completely the possible settings 
> in the 7.04, so I've made my settings partially on intuition. From KMenue -> 
> internet -> KNetworkManager: this icon was void. So I tried the path:
> Clicking on KMenue -> system network -> network configurations I found the 4 
> tabs for the settings:
> TAB 1
> Network interfaces: there came up automatically a setting, which I did'nt 
> change: 
> interface: eth0
> IP adress: (this I don't know where it came from, but guessing 
> that the program has detected it automatically, I did'nt chagnge it)
> protocol: dhcp
> state: Up
> comment: Ethernet Network interface
> If I selected this interface and clicked on confugration, it came up a window, 
> where I cuold sekect only 'automatic', leave the indicated 'eth0' and leave 
> the mark on 'enable at boot time'.
> If I selected 'manual', in the 'basic device information' there was already by 
> default set the IP adress :, and the netmask as
> clicking on the ' advanced' button, ther were under 'advanced network 
> interface information':
> Description: 'Ethernet network interface' (generated automatically)
> Broadcast:'' (generated automatically), and finally,
> Gateway: void (there I put This position was not described in the 
> 'Help' text.
> But finally I left it in 'automatic', so it would work all with DHCP.
> TAB 2
> Routes
> Default Gateway:
> IP adress: I introduced
> device: eth0 (I did'nt change it)
> TAB 3
> Domain name system
> Host name:: automatically was set XXXX (beeing XXXX my path in 
> 'home/XXXX/ ...') I did'nt change it
> Domain name: I introduced ''
> in the upper window 'domain name servers' I introduced
> in the lower window 'known hosts' (stativ servers) there were several IP 
> adresses, which had been generated automatically:
> IP adresss                  Alias
> : :  1                          ip6-localhost ip6-lookback
>                   localhost
>                   XXXX-desktop
> fe 00 :: 0                   ip6-localnet
> ff 00 :: 0                    ip6mcastprefix
> ff 02 :: 1                    ip6-allnodes
> ff 02 :: 2                    ip6-allrouters
> ff 02 :: 3                    ip6-allhosts
> All these values I did'nt change them.
> TAB 4
> Network profiles
> this tab by default was empty. Shall I add something?
> In the 'Help' text this tab was not described.
> If there should come up some doubts on the my connection possibilities, I list 
> you now the internet settings I had before onthe SuSE:
> - automatical adresses configuration via DHCP
> --IP adress (my PC had the ending '2' for not having conflicts 
> with the other PC, which ends in '3')
> -- computer name: XXXX
> --domain name:
> --[X]marked: change computer name via DHCP
> -- name server 1:
> --domain search 1:
> --[X]marked: update server names and search list via DHCP
> -Routes
> --default gateway:
> Maybe these data can help you in answering my questions.
> waiting for some body's help, I remain
> WS

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