From 64 bit to 32 bit?

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Fri Apr 20 18:05:56 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:
>> I don't really want to have to start making a list of all the extra apps
>> I've installed over the last 6 months.
> That reminded me of a really cool thingy on the interblah I read, go see:
> "Ubuntu Tricks - how to generate a list of installed packages and use it to 
> reinstall packages."
> If u don't want to, to list all your (apt) installed software:
> dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files
> Now, go forth and do .. stuff. :p
> /d

Thanks Donn, that is a *very* useful idea - one for my 'Tips' collection :-)



P.S. I have downloaded Feisty but have run out of blank CDs - anyone care to send 
me a spare one via email?

OliveRoot Ministries

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