Podcast aggregator

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Mon Apr 23 19:15:54 UTC 2007

On Sunday 22 April 2007 21:20, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> On Sunday 22 April 2007 18:41:27 Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
> > I have been using iPodder to download all of my podcasts, and the
> > upgrade to Feisty removed it, no doubt for some good reason. But it
> > leaves me with the problem of finding a replacement. I would like to get
> > something that is in one of the repositories if possible. Does anyone
> > have a suggestion of what I can use?
> kPodder used to work really well for me, but I've had problems with the
> cron job not being executed properly, and I never heard back from the
> developer when I asked him about this (and yes, I certainly did hunt for
> answers everywhere I could before emailing him).
> I just went back to iPodder; downloaded it from its home page and
> reinstalled from source.

Anywhere from maximalist (amaroK) to minimalist (bashpodder).

Bashpodder is a short bash script that seems to rely only on standard console 
commands and wget.  Install in in /usr/local/bin.  There is a simple, 
straight-forward gui available, too.  Both are available from the author's 
web site.  Google can help you find it.


Art Alexion

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