Contents of Kubuntu DVD Iso

Robert Parker rlp1938 at
Sat Apr 21 05:17:28 UTC 2007

Presently I am stuck with using internet cafes because I am
travelling. That means I am also stuck with using Windows which I am
finding more detestable every day.

So I intend to buy a cheap 2nd hand box so I can do my offline stuff
in Linux. I have enjoyed the use of Ubuntu/Kubuntu in the past and
would like to do so again.

I do want to have multimedia capability so my questions are:

Are the packages from all of the repositories available on the DVD.

If not, how do I leach the necessary extra repositories and make them
available on DVD. (NB my son has fast broadband and can burn a DVD and
mail it to me.)

Thanks Bob Parker
The seven Wonders of the World. Wonders 3.1, Wonders 95, Wonders NT,
Wonders 98, Wonders ME, Wonders XP, and now Wonders Vista

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