Where is Acroread in Feisty?

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 05:54:18 UTC 2007

> That's why I put about four package managers in.  
Mark, I hope you have seen that you do not need a bunch of package managers; 
you *do* need to get the right *repositories* in your /etc/apt/sources.list 
file. (There may be others in /etc/apt/sources.list.d)
1. You can edit that file from Adept.
2. You can add new servers to it.
3. Those servers supply the software that others may not have.

The package installer GUI's are simply front-ends to the system called apt-get 
(and various other "low level" apps). If you use Adept it's identical to 
using Synaptic. The only difference (oddly) is that you are getting a 
different (or extra) list of repository servers when you go and install other 
front-ends. I'll admit that seems weird, but I'm no expert.

The best bet is to try and understand the repository system (at least roughly) 
and then you will be aiming down the barrel rather than chucking the entire 
rifle. :D Go check the Ubuntu website and related links.


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