Upgrading from Edgy to Feisty

Jörg Czeschla czeschla at t-online.de
Sat Apr 21 05:49:17 UTC 2007

Hi Neil,

I just tried to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty by Adept-Manager and it went wrong 
hanging up at the end of the installation after about 6 hours with an empty 
error-message. The main-window tells:

Sequence lost (0x54c97 > 0x44c97) in reply type 0x0!
X Error: BadImplementation (server does not implement operation) 17
Major opcode: 20
Minor opcode: 0
Ressource id: 0xb79e264c

Trying to close the message will cause the whole Upgrade to stop (and remain 
with a unstable system?).
I just posted to the german ubuntu.de-Mailing-List waiting for help.

So be careful!

So long, Joerg

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