Kubuntu 6.06 - vmware player 1.03 run as root only. want to make it work for regular user

Christophe Guilbert cguilbert at picasso.ucsf.edu
Tue Apr 3 22:47:38 UTC 2007

Hi kubuntist ...

I installed Vmware player 1.03 by hand on my Kubuntu 6.06,
I can't make it run without being root ....
You must be root to install it, so vmware install ./vmware in my home 
directory with root attributes.
I change this directory and content with my group and user ID , but 
that's not enough.
what's the trick to make it run as a user

BTW, why vmware player 1.03 is not in the repository as an update  so we 
can install it using Adept. right now we find  vmplayer 1.01.  can I 
install Vmware player 1.03 using Adept ?



Christophe Guilbert, Ph.D.
Mission Bay Genentech Hall
UCSF, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
600 16th Street, Suite # S-126-D
Genentech Hall, MC 2280 San Francisco, CA  94158-2517
Office      : 415-476-0707
Office fax  : 415-476-0688
Email: cguilbert at picasso.ucsf.edu
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