
adams k7qo at
Sun Apr 29 22:36:01 UTC 2007


Let me give you exact sequence....

nautilus fonts://

That brought up the window with all the already
known fonts, I guess.  I did note that the icons
for each font had the letter A and a with a small
lock upper right, which I assume means that the
corresponding file is read-only.

Then I entered

nautilus /media/sda2/WINDOWS/Fonts

which is the directory for the WinXP partition
and the fonts therein.  Nothing fancy to find
out if there are other applications installed
in WinXP.  I don't use the O/S any way.  It
came with the system and I made a dual boot so
that I could explain to others just how it works.
Been there.  Done that.

Even though the documentation says that OO will
find the fonts in ~/.fonts/ I have been unable
to get it to recognize the .ttf file(s) that
put there.  But, this work in progress and I
am methodically experimenting to find out just
exactly what is going to happen when I try each

I brought up the adept manager and installed
the "msttcorefonts".  

The work that I am doing here is not critical nor
time limited.  I just want to understand the engine
"under the hood"......

Thanks for the note.


Chuck Adams, K7QO   k7qo at   personal web page

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