KDE Graphic Quality

Nigel Ridley nigel at rmk.co.il
Mon Apr 9 10:57:36 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:
>> Here is the relevant sections of my xorg.conf:
> Yikes! That looks involved. I do have the 'nvidia' (proprietary) driver 
> working and I'm now sure that 24 bit planes are being used, so I am just 
> gonna live with the odd gradients -- I have not run another O/S on this LCD 
> so, for all I know, this is as good as it gets! (Which ain't bad really, I'm 
> just fussy)
> /d

Why don't you use a 'live' cd - the Linux Live Games Project:
uses proprietary Nvidia drivers and I have used the LLGP 0.1pre0 on a couple of 
boxes and it works really well.

If the live cd works OK you could then figure out from the xorg.conf something to 
help you.




OliveRoot Ministries


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