November 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 01:05:17 UTC 2007
Ending: Fri Nov 30 19:32:42 UTC 2007
Messages: 1040
- Disk Utility For Kubuntu?
Scott (angrykeyboarder)
- skype on kubuntu?
Scott (angrykeyboarder)
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Michael Bach (gmx)
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Michael Bach (gmx)
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Removing Dolphin and Strigi
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Speedproblems since update 7.04 -> 7.10
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Deleted menu.lst
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Deleted menu.lst
Michael Bach (gmx)
- display crash
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Desktop search, which one?
Michael Bach (gmx)
- Distribution upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 hangs on "configuring libgcc1"
Mani A
- Mailer Preferences
Chuck Adams
- Mailer Preferences
Chuck Adams
Chuck Adams
Chuck Adams
Chuck Adams
- Newby
Art Alexion
- Newby
Art Alexion
- Newby
Art Alexion
- katapult
Art Alexion
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Art Alexion
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Art Alexion
- Gutsy and aptitude
Art Alexion
- katapult
Art Alexion
- katapult
Art Alexion
- samba
Art Alexion
- katapult
Art Alexion
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Daniel Anderson
- Problem with laptop after upgrading to 7.10
- SCIM block my keyboard input
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Serg B
- No public key
Bruce Bales
- Trouble installing 7.10
Bruce Bales
- Trouble installing 7.10
Bruce Bales
- Trouble installing 7.10
Bruce Bales
- Trouble installing 7.10
Bruce Bales
- Trouble installing 7.10
Bruce Bales
- Trouble installing 7.10 -- solved
Bruce Bales
- Change file association in KDE
Héder Balázs
- forbid hibernation / sleep for users
Héder Balázs
- Modifying default behavior on insertion of audio CD
Jeffrey Barish
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
Phil Bieber
- Bizarro copy
Phil Bieber
- Guide to Kubuntu filing needed
Phil Bieber
- Adept Updater
Greg Booth
- Removing Dolphin and Strigi
Greg Booth
- Receiving mail from list
Greg Booth
- Reading NTFS
Greg Booth
- missing plugins
Greg Booth
- Newby
Greg Booth
- where to put xhosts commands
Greg Booth
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Greg Booth
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Greg Booth
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Greg Booth
- Setting up wxPython
Greg Booth
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Greg Booth
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Greg Booth
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Greg Booth
- Gutsy Gibbon more problems??
Greg Booth
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
Bernhard Breinbauer
- Email Client
Bernhard Breinbauer
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Email Client
- Permission Problems
Derek Broughton
- Debian package files open in Kate
Derek Broughton
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Derek Broughton
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Derek Broughton
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
Derek Broughton
- Debian package files open in Kate
Derek Broughton
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
Derek Broughton
- Issues with upgrade to gutsy
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Derek Broughton
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Newby
Derek Broughton
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Derek Broughton
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Derek Broughton
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Derek Broughton
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Derek Broughton
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
Derek Broughton
- Where is the eth* config gone in gusty ?
Derek Broughton
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Derek Broughton
- katapult
Derek Broughton
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Distribution upgrade
Derek Broughton
- Distribution upgrade
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- change from 7.04 to 7.10 and evolution
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Kontract with other EMail Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Distribution upgrade
Derek Broughton
- change from 7.04 to 7.10 and evolution
Derek Broughton
- Satellite TV to PC
Derek Broughton
- Mailer Preferences
Derek Broughton
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
Derek Broughton
- kde4?
Derek Broughton
- Empty inittab after installing capidriver
Derek Broughton
- SOLVED: Re: (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
Derek Broughton
- Gutsy Gibbon more problems??
Derek Broughton
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
Derek Broughton
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
Derek Broughton
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
Derek Broughton
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Derek Broughton
- Why can't connect to public wifi? Why only 1 wifi net profile
Derek Broughton
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
Derek Broughton
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
Derek Broughton
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Derek Broughton
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Derek Broughton
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
Derek Broughton
- setting konq default view
Derek Broughton
- skype on kubuntu?
Derek Broughton
- skype on kubuntu?
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Derek Broughton
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Email Client
Derek Broughton
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Derek Broughton
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Derek Broughton
- setting konq default view
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Derek Broughton
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Setup woes
Derek Broughton
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Derek Broughton
- Postfix help needed
Derek Broughton
- Newbie: kernel/init messages at boot times ?
Derek Broughton
- HD load/unload cycles
Gianluca Cerminara
- HardDisk killer
Gianluca Cerminara
- HardDisk killer
Gianluca Cerminara
- HardDisk killer
Gianluca Cerminara
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Nolan Check
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Nolan Check
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Nolan Check
- Output KSayIt / Kmouth to mp3 file?
Dotan Cohen
- Email Client
Dotan Cohen
- Email Client
Dotan Cohen
- Email Client
Dotan Cohen
- Email Client
Dotan Cohen
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Dotan Cohen
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Dotan Cohen
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Dotan Cohen
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Dotan Cohen
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Dotan Cohen
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Dotan Cohen
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Dotan Cohen
- Show notes in Kontact
Dotan Cohen
- Email Client
Dotan Cohen
- Email Client
Dotan Cohen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Dotan Cohen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Dotan Cohen
- No deflate rar option in konqueror
Dotan Cohen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Dotan Cohen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Dotan Cohen
- No deflate rar option in konqueror
Dotan Cohen
- No deflate rar option in konqueror
Dotan Cohen
- Change file association in KDE
Dotan Cohen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Dotan Cohen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Dotan Cohen
- Compiz minimums
SteVe Cook
- Video Card and Motherboard/Chip Recommendations?
Richard S. Crawford
- Email Client
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- apt-get dist-upgrade
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- kde4?
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- Kubuntu Promo Artwork
Jonathan Patrick Davies
- Debian package files open in Kate
Adrienne J Davis
- Compiz minimums
Adrienne J Davis
- Does Gutsy have a memory leak?
Adrienne J Davis
- Debian package files open in Kate
Adrienne J Davis
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Adrienne J Davis
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
John DeCarlo
- Gutsy and aptitude
John DeCarlo
- Deleted menu.lst
Manpreet Dhillon
- kde4?
mehmet Dilmac
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
- How much will break if I expunge mono
- Ubuntu Studio 7.10 - Installed KDE-DESKTOP
- How much will break if I expunge mono
- How much will break if I expunge mono
- Receiving mail from list
- Newby
- PDF links
- Newby
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Backports Dapper
- Newby
- Setting up wxPython
- Newby
- Backports Dapper
- Newby
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
- Google in Konqueror
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
- Any torbutton/privoxy experts here?
- Blocking updates of Kernel
- Upgrading GTK+ stuff on Kubunu Dapper Drake
- Blocking updates of Kernel
- Kubuntu Gutsy and kmix volume
- Kubuntu Gutsy and kmix volume
- Kubuntu Gutsy and kmix volume
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
- Deleted menu.lst
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
- d4x download manager broken in Gutsy
- Gutsy and aptitude
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
- Gutsy and aptitude
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
- Deleted menu.lst
- iptables sharing the net
- iptables sharing the net
- I need Help with ethernet card
- Email Client
- Email Client
- Distribution upgrade
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
- Email Client
- how to mount feisty partition from dapper
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
- Grub error on new installation
- Distribution upgrade
- Email Client
- Distribution upgrade
- Open Office Gutsy
- mail notification for t-bird? (for dapper)
- mail notification for t-bird? (for dapper)
- fiesty sound problem
- Open Office Gutsy
- Gutsy won't recognise a blank DVD
- Email Client
- Email Client
- Email Client
- Firefox 2 Gutsy and profiles
- Firefox 2 Gutsy and profiles
- Firefox 2 Gutsy and profiles
- Disk Utility For Kubuntu?
- fiesty sound problem
- Trouble installing 7.10
- konsole in the system tray
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
- SOLVED: Re: (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
- Thanks
- Thanks
- USB drive
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- Thanks
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
- display crash
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
- Thanks
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
- Thanks
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- Thanks
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- Setup woes
- Setup woes
- Setup woes
- Setup woes
- Bizarro copy
- kontact summary view
- Bizarro copy
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
- Change file association in KDE
- No deflate rar option in konqueror
- locked data base
- weird keyboard shortcuts
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
- install failed
- install failed
- gxine & kaffeine won't launch
- HardDisk killer
- HardDisk killer
- display crash
Arthur Dyck
- Grub error on new installation
- Any torbutton/privoxy experts here?
D. R. Evans
- Any torbutton/privoxy experts here?
D. R. Evans
- Any torbutton/privoxy experts here?
D. R. Evans
- Trouble installing 7.10
D. R. Evans
- mail notification for t-bird? (for dapper)
D. R. Evans
- Trouble installing 7.10
D. R. Evans
- Trouble installing 7.10
D. R. Evans
- Trouble installing 7.10
D. R. Evans
- setting konq default view
D. R. Evans
- setting konq default view
D. R. Evans
- setting konq default view
D. R. Evans
- setting konq default view
D. R. Evans
- kontact summary view
D. R. Evans
- kontact summary view
D. R. Evans
- Postfix help needed
D. R. Evans
- Openoffice, SAMBA and CIFS client
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- Openoffice, SAMBA and CIFS client
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- Openoffice, SAMBA and CIFS client
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- WiFi card Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- External Hard Drive Detection Problem need help
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- iptables sharing the net
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- Anybody config postfix to use auth-smtp
Jordi Ferrando Fabra
- skype in kubuntu?
Hervé Fache
- Konqueror in KDE 4
Hervé Fache
- Cannot compile kernel without Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
- where to put xhosts commands
John L Fjellstad
- nspluginviewer
John L Fjellstad
- Email Client
John L Fjellstad
- Email Client
John L Fjellstad
- Email Client
John L Fjellstad
- konsole in the system tray
John L Fjellstad
- Bizarro copy
John L Fjellstad
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
John L Fjellstad
- Why can't connect to public wifi? Why only 1 wifi net profile
Florida Flasher
- Why can't connect to public wifi? Why only 1 wifi net profile
Florida Flasher
- iriver T60 music player - my experience
David Fletcher
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
David Fletcher
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
David Fletcher
- Removing Dolphin and Strigi
Mark Fraser
- Removing Dolphin and Strigi
Mark Fraser
- missing plugins
Mark Fraser
- missing plugins
Mark Fraser
- svc: bad direction 256, dropping request
Mark Fraser
- Googleearth startup problems video
Mark Fraser
- Adept error committing changes...
Mark Fraser
- kde4?
Mark Fraser
- Mouse gestures
Mark Fraser
- Mouse gestures
Mark Fraser
- Fwd: Can't seem to reinstall grub
Mark Fraser
- Newby
Ted Frater
- Adept error committing changes...
- Adept error committing changes...
- Problems With Sound
- Problems With Sound
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Newby
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Newby
- Any torbutton/privoxy experts here?
- Email Client
- Disk Utility For Kubuntu?
- Disk Utility For Kubuntu?
- Disk Utility For Kubuntu?
- Satellite TV to PC
- Satellite TV to PC
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
- OS suggestions
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
- Compiz-fusion install
Mauro Grauso
- WiFi card Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
Jared Greenwald
- Newbie: kernel/init messages at boot times ?
Ulrich Grün
- Newbie: kernel/init messages at boot times: SOLVED (but to be continued)
Ulrich Grün
- how to upgrade to openoffice 2.3 using Adept on kubuntu 6.06
Christophe Guilbert
- Installing Kubuntu To A Two Hard Drive Xp System
- Kubuntu 7.10 network problem
John Hansen
- Kubuntu 7.04 to 7.10
John Hansen
- USB drive
John Hansen
- USB drive
John Hansen
- Guide to Kubuntu filing needed
John Hansen
- ADSL on eth0 not working on HP 6720s with Kubuntu 7.10 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Lawson Hanson
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Larry Hartman
- Newbie: kernel/init messages at boot times ?
Kaj Haulrich
- Email Client
Benjamin Heil
- Thanks
Benjamin Heil
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Benjamin Heil
- kde4 64 bits
Girard Henri
- kde4 debs
Girard Henri
- libs problem ?
Girard Henri
- libs problem ?
Girard Henri
- Ubuntu Studio 7.10 - Installed KDE-DESKTOP
Matt Henry
- Ubuntu Studio 7.10 - Installed KDE-DESKTOP
Matt Henry
- Receiving mail from list
Gene Heskett
- Receiving mail from list [OT]
Gene Heskett
- Receiving mail from list
Gene Heskett
- Receiving mail from list [OT]
Gene Heskett
- Receiving mail from list
Gene Heskett
- Email Client
Gene Heskett
- Email Client
Gene Heskett
- Email Client
Gene Heskett
- Email Client
Gene Heskett
Gene Heskett
- Speedproblems since update 7.04 -> 7.10
Jan Torben Heuer
- Email Client
Jan Torben Heuer
- Email Client
Jan Torben Heuer
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
Jan Torben Heuer
- kmail: cannot send attachments
Jan Torben Heuer
- How do you find the dependencies an app requires
Michael Hirsch
- How much will break if I expunge mono
Michael Hirsch
- Adept Updater
Michael Hirsch
- missing plugins
Michael W. Holdeman
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Michael W. Holdeman
- kmymoney-online banking?
Michael W. Holdeman
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
Michael W. Holdeman
- Open Office Gutsy
Michael W. Holdeman
- DVD Screen Capture
Mats Holmberg
- katapult
- Compiz minimums
Andrew Jarrett
- Ubuntu Studio 7.10 - Installed KDE-DESKTOP
Andrew Jarrett
- External USB NTFS drive
Andrew Jarrett
- Problems With Sound
Andrew Jarrett
- Newby
Andrew Jarrett
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Andrew Jarrett
- Kubuntu Gutsy and kmix volume
Andrew Jarrett
- Kubuntu Gutsy and kmix volume
Andrew Jarrett
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Andrew Jarrett
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Andrew Jarrett
- katapult
Andrew Jarrett
- Best Chess programs and helpers and files
Andrew Jarrett
- Open Office Gutsy
Andrew Jarrett
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
Andrew Jarrett
- Adept locking during update
Andrew Jarrett
- Capturing Video from CAM
Andrew Jarrett
- Audacity 1.3.3
Andrew Jarrett
- Firefox crashing on Gutsy
Andrew Jarrett
- MetaData / Audio Files Problems (Bug?)
Andrew Jarrett
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
Andrew Jarrett
- Satellite TV to PC
Andrew Jarrett
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
Andrew Jarrett
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Andrew Jarrett
- starting the disk
Andrew Jarrett
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Jonathan Jesse
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Jonathan Jesse
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Jonathan Jesse
- Permission Problems
- User groups
- Adept problems
- Reading NTFS
- Reading NTFS
- Reading NTFS
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Blocking updates of Kernel
- Blocking updates of Kernel
- Permissions
- Email Client
- Adept locking during update
- missing plugins
Rod Joyce
- missing plugins
Rod Joyce
- missing plugins
Rod Joyce
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Howard Coles Jr.
- katapult
Howard Coles Jr.
- katapult
Howard Coles Jr.
- Adept error committing changes...
Howard Coles Jr.
- Adept error committing changes...
Howard Coles Jr.
- VOIP Softphone with HDA Soundcard
Howard Coles Jr.
- VOIP Softphone with HDA Soundcard
Howard Coles Jr.
- I need Help with ethernet card
- Problems With Sound
Paul Kaplan
- nspluginviewer
Paul Kaplan
- Adept error
Paul Kaplan
- kde4 install problem
Paul Kaplan
- kde4 install problem
Paul Kaplan
- gxine & kaffeine won't launch
Paul Kaplan
- skype on kubuntu?
Aristides Kaponides
- skype in kubuntu?
Aristides Kaponides
- Debian package files open in Kate
- Login screen
- Blocking updates of Kernel
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
- samba
- samba
- samba
- what´s taking up all this space on my hdd?
- Trouble installing 7.10
- setting konq default view
- I made a "Manual network configuration" how do I get rid of it?!
Nils Kassube
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
Nils Kassube
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
Nils Kassube
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
Nils Kassube
- need to unplug USB drive
Nils Kassube
- Adding boot options?
Nils Kassube
- Adding boot options?
Nils Kassube
- Any torbutton/privoxy experts here?
Nils Kassube
- Any torbutton/privoxy experts here?
Nils Kassube
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
Nils Kassube
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
Nils Kassube
- Permissions
Nils Kassube
- Email Client
Nils Kassube
- Email Client
Nils Kassube
- Kontract with other EMail Client
Nils Kassube
- change from 7.04 to 7.10 and evolution
Nils Kassube
- Empty inittab after installing capidriver
Nils Kassube
- Why can't connect to public wifi? Why only 1 wifi net profile
Nils Kassube
- skype on kubuntu?
Nils Kassube
- skype on kubuntu?
Nils Kassube
- Setup woes
Nils Kassube
- Setup woes
Nils Kassube
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Nils Kassube
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Nils Kassube
- Fwd: Can't seem to reinstall grub
Nils Kassube
- Fwd: Can't seem to reinstall grub
Nils Kassube
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Nils Kassube
- HardDisk killer
Nils Kassube
- HardDisk killer
Nils Kassube
- HardDisk killer
Nils Kassube
- HardDisk killer
Nils Kassube
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
Jonathan Kaye
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
Jonathan Kaye
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
Jonathan Kaye
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
Jonathan Kaye
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
Jonathan Kaye
- User groups
Mark Kelly
- Newby
- Newby
- Newby
- Java on 64 bit Firefox Error : .5 Solved
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
- Newby
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
- Gutsy - boot scripts iptables
- Best Chess programs and helpers and files
- katapult
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- skype on kubuntu?
- skype on kubuntu?
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
- skype on kubuntu?
- skype on kubuntu?
- Webcam Recommendation
Rick Knight
- Thanks
Martin Laberge
- OS suggestions
Martin Laberge
- _: Entries in K-Menu: preceding entries in K Menu
Ken Larkman
- _: Entries in K-Menu: preceding entries in K Menu
Ken Larkman
- Compiz minimums
Dana J. Laude
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
Dana J. Laude
- missing plugins
Edmund Laugasson
- Reading NTFS
Edmund Laugasson
- Install: Problem With an Old Monitor
Edmund Laugasson
- Install: Problem With an Old Monitor
Edmund Laugasson
- Login screen
Edmund Laugasson
- missing plugins
Edmund Laugasson
- missing plugins
Edmund Laugasson
- where to put xhosts commands
Paul Lemmons
- where to put xhosts commands
Paul Lemmons
- where to put xhosts commands
Paul Lemmons
- Email Client
Paul Lemmons
- Email Client
Paul Lemmons
- Email Client
Paul Lemmons
- fiesty sound problem
Paul Lemmons
Paul Lemmons
Paul Lemmons
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Paul Lemmons
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Paul Lemmons
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
Paul Lemmons
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Paul Lemmons
- User groups
Mike Leone
- Cannot compile kernel without Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
Mike Leone
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Mike Leone
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Mike Leone
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Mike Leone
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Mike Leone
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
Mike Leone
- change from 7.04 to 7.10 and evolution
Mike Leone
- Setup woes
Mike Leone
- Setup woes
Mike Leone
- Fwd: Can't seem to reinstall grub
Mike Leone
- Setup woes
Mike Leone
- Can't seem to reinstall grub - SOLVED
Mike Leone
- Samba - leave samba domain and join AD?
Mike Leone
- Fwd: Can't seem to reinstall grub
Mike Leone
- Adept error
Goh Lip
- _: Entries in K-Menu: preceding entries in K Menu
T. Lombardy
- Font size in my Dell Precision
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
- Googleearth startup problems video
- katapult
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
- result of lspci configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
Iuri Malorgio
- Kubuntu Gutsy and kmix volume
Bruce Marshall
- Deleted menu.lst
Bruce Marshall
- prob installing gusty on IBM think pad T21
Bruce Marshall
- Email Client
Bruce Marshall
- Receiving mail from list
David McGlone
- Receiving mail from list
David McGlone
- Receiving mail from list
David McGlone
- Receiving mail from list
David McGlone
- Receiving mail from list [OT]
David McGlone
- Receiving mail from list
David McGlone
- Problems With Sound
David McGlone
- PDF links
David McGlone
- katapult
David McGlone
- kmymoney-online banking?
David McGlone
- samba
David McGlone
- samba
David McGlone
- katapult
David McGlone
- katapult
David McGlone
- Permissions
David McGlone
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
David McGlone
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
David McGlone
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
David McGlone
- how to move ntfs partition?
David McGlone
- how to move ntfs partition?
David McGlone
- how to move ntfs partition?
David McGlone
- how to move ntfs partition?
David McGlone
- how to move ntfs partition?
David McGlone
- how to move ntfs partition?
David McGlone
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
David McGlone
- Thanks
David McGlone
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
David McGlone
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
David McGlone
- Thanks
David McGlone
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
David McGlone
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
David McGlone
- Thanks
David McGlone
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
David McGlone
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
David McGlone
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
David McGlone
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
David McGlone
- Thanks
David McGlone
- Thanks
David McGlone
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
David McGlone
- display crash
David McGlone
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
David McGlone
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
David McGlone
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
David McGlone
- result of lspci configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
David McGlone
- OS suggestions
David McGlone
- setting konq default view
David McGlone
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
David McGlone
- OS suggestions
David McGlone
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
David McGlone
- Postfix help needed
David McGlone
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Adam McGreggor
- Blocking updates of Kernel
D. Michael McIntyre
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
D. Michael McIntyre
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
D. Michael McIntyre
- Best Chess programs and helpers and files
D. Michael McIntyre
- how to mount feisty partition from dapper
D. Michael McIntyre
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
D. Michael McIntyre
- mail notification for t-bird? (for dapper)
D. Michael McIntyre
- Email Client
D. Michael McIntyre
- Email Client
D. Michael McIntyre
- Thanks
D. Michael McIntyre
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
D. Michael McIntyre
- KDE warning that scripts are running slowly
D. Michael McIntyre
- Setup woes
D. Michael McIntyre
- Setup woes
D. Michael McIntyre
- Setup woes
D. Michael McIntyre
- Adept Updater
Michael D. Stemle, Jr.
- Speedproblems since update 7.04 -> 7.10
Jan Michelsburg
- Speedproblems since update 7.04 -> 7.10
Jan Michelsburg
- Thanks
Jan Michelsburg
- skype on kubuntu?
Jan Michelsburg
- Install: Problem With an Old Monitor
Ali Milis
- Install: Problem With an Old Monitor
Ali Milis
- Qemu PCI Bug -- Minix 3.1.2a -- Pinning
Ali Milis
- Email Client
Chris Miller
- Distribution upgrade
Chris Miller
- Email Client
Chris Miller
- Video Card and Motherboard/Chip Recommendations?
Chris Miller
- Email Client
Chris Miller
- Email Client
Chris Miller
- Email Client
Chris Miller
- OS suggestions
Chris Miller
- Issues with upgrade to gutsy
Valter Mura
- Problem during booting
Valter Mura
- Problem during booting
Valter Mura
- Email Client
Valter Mura
- problem with locales
- problems with locales
- problems with locales
- problems with locales (solved)
- mail notification for t-bird? (for dapper)
Sundar Nagarajan
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
- autotext support in Kmail?
Markus Nölle
- I need Help with ethernet card
Eduardo P. Román O.
- Problem with OpenOffice and compiz
Eduardo P. Román O.
- Capturing Video from CAM
Eduardo P. Román O.
- Anybody config postfix to use auth-smtp
Eduardo P. Román O.
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Thomas Olsen
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Thomas Olsen
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Ignazio Palmisano
- Thanks
Ignazio Palmisano
- HardDisk killer
Ignazio Palmisano
- Adept Updater
Jarkko Palviainen
- Adept problems
Jarkko Palviainen
- kde4beta3
- symlinks in dolphin
- where to put xhosts commands
- Java on 64 bit Firefox Error : .5 Solved
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri.
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Bjarne Wichmann Petersen
- How much will break if I expunge mono
Douglas Phillipson
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Phil Pinkerton
- Kontract with other EMail Client
- Kontract with other EMail Client
- Kontract with other EMail Client
- Kontract with other EMail Client
- forbid hibernation / sleep for users
Luka Renko
- tcp boardband tuning
- MetaData / Audio Files Problems (Bug?)
- MetaData / Audio Files Problems (Bug?)
- Konqueror in KDE 4
- [kubuntu-users] kde4?
Jonathan Riddell
- Kubuntu Meeting Saturday 11UTC
Jonathan Riddell
- disk-on-key ownership
Nigel Ridley
- need to unplug USB drive
Nigel Ridley
- need to unplug USB drive
Nigel Ridley
- need to unplug USB drive
Nigel Ridley
- Adding boot options?
Nigel Ridley
- Adding boot options?
Nigel Ridley
- Adding boot options?
Nigel Ridley
- katapult
Nigel Ridley
- katapult
Nigel Ridley
- Gutsy won't recognise a blank DVD
Nigel Ridley
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Nigel Ridley
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Nigel Ridley
- scanning ext3 filesystem on shutdown and not bootup?
Sam Rog
- Konqueror - ebay "server certificate failed"
Anton Rolls
- frozen update
Anton Rolls
- setting konq default view
Anton Rolls
- setting konq default view
Anton Rolls
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Anton Rolls
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Anton Rolls
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Anton Rolls
- No deflate rar option in konqueror
Anton Rolls
- No deflate rar option in konqueror
Anton Rolls
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Anton Rolls
- weird keyboard shortcuts
Jesus Roncero
- weird keyboard shortcuts
Jesus Roncero
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
Bas Roufs
- FF Bookmarks Gone?
Bas Roufs
- SOLVED: Re: (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
Bas Roufs
- Thanks
Bas Roufs
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
Bas Roufs
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen - never rely on 1 browser only!
Bas Roufs
- [kubuntu-users] kde4?
Paul S
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
Paul S
- DVD Screen Capture
Michael Satterwhite
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Juergen Sauer
- Where is the eth* config gone in gusty ?
Juergen Sauer
- gutsy and keyboard volume keys...
Fred Schaer
- gutsy and keyboard volume keys...
Fred Schaer
- Receiving mail from list
Stew Schneider
- katapult
Stew Schneider
- Distribution upgrade
Stew Schneider
- Distribution upgrade
Stew Schneider
- apt-get dist-upgrade
Stew Schneider
- Version upgrade
Stew Schneider
- Open Office Gutsy
Stew Schneider
- Version upgrade
Stew Schneider
- Audacity 1.3.3
Stew Schneider
- Firefox crashing on Gutsy
Stew Schneider
- Firefox crashing on Gutsy
Stew Schneider
- Postfix help needed
Stew Schneider
- Postfix help needed
Stew Schneider
- Postfix help needed
Stew Schneider
- Anybody config postfix to use auth-smtp
Stew Schneider
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
Christian Schult
- Backupemail messages (kontact)
Christian Schult
- Upgrade Feisty to Gutsy
Christian Schult
- Reading NTFS
- Reading NTFS
- _: Entries in K-Menu: preceding entries in K Menu
- Newby
- PDF links
- Newby
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
- Backports Dapper
- Newby
- Newby
- Newby
- Newby
- Newby
- Newby
- Newby
- Email Client
WJ Seidl
- Wine and the Internet
Edwin Sendjaja
- missing plugins
Mike Shaw
- Deleted menu.lst
Terence Simpson
- K(Edubuntu)
Terence Simpson
- kde4?
Terence Simpson
- skype on kubuntu?
Terence Simpson
- skype on kubuntu?
Terence Simpson
- skype on kubuntu?
Terence Simpson
- skype on kubuntu?
Terence Simpson
- skype on kubuntu?
Terence Simpson
- kde4 debs
Terence Simpson
- kde4 install problem
Terence Simpson
- konsole command stop adept?
Terence Simpson
- Change file association in KDE
Terence Simpson
- Guide to Kubuntu filing needed
Terence Simpson
- HardDisk killer
Terence Simpson
- starting the disk
Terence Simpson
- _: Entries in K-Menu: preceding entries in K Menu
O. Sinclair
- Openoffice, SAMBA and CIFS client
O. Sinclair
- Openoffice, SAMBA and CIFS client
O. Sinclair
- K(Edubuntu)
O. Sinclair
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
O. Sinclair
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
O. Sinclair
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
O. Sinclair
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Thilo Six
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Thilo Six
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Thilo Six
- Where is the eth* config gone in gusty ?
Thilo Six
- katapult
Thilo Six
- Firefox 2 Gutsy and profiles
Thilo Six
- Version upgrade
Thilo Six
- problems with locales
Thilo Six
- External Hard Drive Detection Problem need help
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- problem with locales
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- how to move ntfs partition?
Alexander Smirnov
- problems with locales
Alexander Smirnov
- Thanks
Alexander Smirnov
- skype on kubuntu?
Alexander Smirnov
- ISDN connect with kubuntu
Jens Strohschnitter
- Empty inittab after installing capidriver
Jens Strohschnitter
- Empty inittab after installing capidriver
Jens Strohschnitter
- locked data base
Leendert Hubertha Stuyt
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Leendert Hubertha Stuyt
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
- KDE problem - Only desktop wallpaper visible
- How much will break if I expunge mono
James Tappin
- File manager choice
James Tappin
- Newby
Bill Taylor
- Google in Konqueror
Darryl Tidd
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Tipton, Timothy
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Tipton, Timothy
- Newby
Tipton, Timothy
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Tipton, Timothy
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Tipton, Timothy
- Gnome = gtksudo, KDE = ???
Tipton, Timothy
- Email Client
Tipton, Timothy
- Email Client
Tipton, Timothy
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Tipton, Timothy
- No deflate rar option in konqueror
Juan Carlos Torres
- Change file association in KDE
Juan Carlos Torres
- weird keyboard shortcuts
- Adept error committing changes...
Ronnie Tucker
- Adept error committing changes...
Ronnie Tucker
- Gutsy won't recognise a blank DVD
Ronnie Tucker
- Email Client
Joan Tur
- how to move ntfs partition?
Joan Tur
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
Michael Ulm
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
Michael Ulm
- Deleted menu.lst
Dax Solomon Umaming
- Blocking updates of Kernel
Macario Valle
- Setup woes
Bill Vance
- Setup woes
Bill Vance
- Setup woes
Bill Vance
- Setup woes
Bill Vance
- Setup woes
Bill Vance
- Setup woes
Bill Vance
- need to unplug USB drive
Earl Violet
- need to unplug USB drive
Earl Violet
- Reading NTFS
Earl Violet
- Permissions
Earl Violet
- Distribution upgrade
Earl Violet
- Distribution upgrade
Earl Violet
- how to move ntfs partition?
Earl Violet
- how to move ntfs partition?
Earl Violet
- OS suggestions
Earl Violet
- disk-on-key ownership
Steven Vollom
- External USB NTFS drive
Steven Vollom
- Problems With Sound
Steven Vollom
- missing plugins
Steven Vollom
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Steven Vollom
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Steven Vollom
- User groups
Brad De Vries
- DVD Screen Capture
Janne Vänttinen
Janne Vänttinen
- Receiving mail from list
Billie Walsh
- Receiving mail from list [OT]
Billie Walsh
- Reading NTFS
Billie Walsh
- Newby
Billie Walsh
- Newby
Billie Walsh
- Email Client
Billie Walsh
- Email Client
Billie Walsh
- Gutsy Gibbon more problems??
Billie Walsh
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
Billie Walsh
- Editing fstab - Some guidance please
Billie Walsh
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Billie Walsh
- Reading NTFS
Martin Walshe
- Thanks
Martin Walshe
- Newby
Clay Weber
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
Clay Weber
- Adept error committing changes...
Clay Weber
- Kontract with other EMail Client
Clay Weber
- setting konq default view
Clay Weber
- User groups
Sylviane et Perry White
- need to unplug USB drive
Sylviane et Perry White
- need to unplug USB drive
Sylviane et Perry White
- need to unplug USB drive
Sylviane et Perry White
- need to unplug USB drive
Sylviane et Perry White
- Problem with OpenOffice and compiz
Sylviane et Perry White
- display crash
Sylviane et Perry White
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Sylviane et Perry White
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Sylviane et Perry White
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Sylviane et Perry White
- starting the disk
Sylviane et Perry White
- User groups
Neil Winchurst
- Setting up wxPython
Neil Winchurst
- Installing wxPython
Neil Winchurst
- Gutsy Gibbon more problems??
Neil Winchurst
- Feeling like a 2nd class citizen
Neil Winchurst
- Googleearth startup problems video
Ralph De Witt
- External Hard Drive Detection Problem need help
Ralph De Witt
- External Hard Drive Detection Problem need help
Ralph De Witt
- djview
Maynard Wright
- what´s taking up all this space on my hdd?
- Email Client
- Email Client
- Email Client
- Firefox crashing on Gutsy
- (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.
- Upgrade Feisty to Gutsy
- Upgrade Feisty to Gutsy
- Gutsy Gibbon more problems??
- Guide to Kubuntu filing needed
- install failed
- Adding boot options?
Andrew Zajac
- Cannot compile kernel without Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
Rafał Zawadzki
- where to put xhosts commands
Michael Zoet
- where to put xhosts commands
Michael Zoet
- Installing Kubuntu To A Two Hard Drive Xp System
- (New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?
- Adept Updater
- Adept Updater
- Adept error committing changes...
- change from 7.04 to 7.10 and evolution
- change from 7.04 to 7.10 and evolution
- Help with installation of Gutsy 7.10
ppalma at
- missing plugins
ndemalia armstrong
- missing plugins
ndemalia armstrong
- missing plugins
ndemalia armstrong
- prob installing gusty on IBM think pad T21
ndemalia armstrong
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
ndemalia armstrong
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
ndemalia armstrong
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
ndemalia armstrong
- result of lspci configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
ndemalia armstrong
- how to mount feisty partition from dapper
anthony baldwin
- what´s taking up all this space on my hdd?
anthony baldwin
- mail notification for t-bird? (for dapper)
anthony baldwin
- Thanks
anthony baldwin
- gutsy and keyboard volume keys...
benjamin.heil at
- Adept error committing changes...
- Adept error committing changes...
- Adept error committing changes...
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
pkaplan1 at
- kde4?
pkaplan1 at
- Quick conversion from mp3 to wav
guido dom
- WiFi card Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
- OS suggestions
316097 at
- Gutsy Gibbon more problems??
macariov at
- Gutsy Gibbon more problems??
macariov at
- problems with wi-fi dongle
vineeth.chandran at
- starting the disk
k h
- starting the disk (Andrew Jarrett)
k h
- fiesty sound problem
uriah heep
- fiesty sound problem
uriah heep
- Video Card and Motherboard/Chip Recommendations?
uriah heep
- frozen update
uriah heep
- frozen update
uriah heep
- konsole command stop adept?
uriah heep
- OS suggestions
uriah heep
- Cannot watch any web video offerings with Mozilla
john d. herron
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
john d. herron
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
john d. herron
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla
john d. herron
- Cannot watch web videos in Mozilla (solved)
john d. herron
- OS Suggestions
- configuring dell wireless card on thinkpad T21
- wireless disables (couldn't work)
- kdm login
- How much will break if I expunge mono
- How much will break if I expunge mono
- Email Client
- kubuntu-users Digest, Vol 34, Issue 56
joseph lockhart
- Issues with upgrade to gutsy
- install failed
- install failed
- install failed
- Speedproblems since update 7.04 -> 7.10
ronw at
- Installing Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
ronw at
- Photoshop was Vmware/WinXP on Kubuntu 7.10
ronw at
- starting the disk
ronw at
- cannot suspend travelmate290
- forbid hibernation / sleep for users
balazs at
- Change file association in KDE
balazs at
- policy for accessing storage media
balazs at
- Email Client
ronnie at
- kmail: cannot send attachments
ronnie at
- Cannot compile kernel without Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
giacof at
- Cannot compile kernel without Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
giacof at
- djview
- djview
- konsole in the system tray
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 19:32:42 UTC 2007
Archived on: Tue Oct 9 14:09:00 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).