Quick conversion from mp3 to wav

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 06:36:15 UTC 2007

Paul S wrote:
> Michael Ulm said the following on 11/26/2007 04:22 AM:
>> Luca wrote:
>>> I need a program available on kubuntu repository to convert some mp3
>>> tracks to wav files...
> Remember that mp3 to wav can result in some loss of the track, so 
> quality suffers a bit.  So, don't go back and forth more than once and 
> save your original mp3 files, as they will be the best quality in the 
> future, if you need them again.

Not to be itsybitsy on details but it is the wav to mp3 conversion that 
creates the loss as mp3 (as ogg and many others) by design are a lossy 
compression method. Meaning it permanently removes stuff from the 
original input file, not only compresses.

It is however correct that it would result in more and more loss to do 
wav to mp3 and then mp3 to wav and then back again.

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