Installing Kubuntu To A Two Hard Drive Xp System

STEPHEN HILL stephenehill-2 at
Wed Nov 14 00:56:36 UTC 2007

 Hello, Kubuntu Commuinty, I would like to know if some out there can tell me how to install Kubuntu on one hard drive in a two hard drive computer where the primary master drive will contain Windows Xp.

 I think I might run into problems because my second drive is a primary slave drive.

Should I first make the second drive a secondary master ?

And/Or completely reformat the the second drive ?

Or should I leave the second drive where it is and just completely reformat it ?

I have downloaded the 6.06 Dapper Drake version live CD and ran it on my computer and would like to install it to the my second drive without conflicting with Xp on the primary master drive.

                                                                                                Anyone Out There Please,
                                                                                                                     Thank You, 

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