Konqueror - ebay "server certificate failed"

Anton Rolls anton at wilddsl.net.au
Fri Nov 23 02:34:47 UTC 2007


I just tried to register on ebay.com.au and got a
"server certificate failed" error.
Does anyone know what this means and what I should do?

This is what happened:
I clicked "register" at the top of the page at

and Konqueror popped up this dialog:

The server certificate failed the authenticity test (au.ebayobjects.com.au).
[Details] [Continue] [Cancel]


Current connection is secured with SSL.
Peer Certificate:
Organisation:	eBay Inc.
Organisational unit:	Site operations   Terms of use at 
www.verisign.com/rpa (c)05
Locality:	San Jose
State:	California
Country:	US
Common name:	*.ebayobjects.com.au

Organisation:	Verisign, Inc.
Organisational unit:	Versign Trust Network  Terms of use at 
https://www.versign.com/rpa (c)05
Country:	US
Common name:	Versign Class 3 Secure Server CA

IP address:
URL:	https://au.ebayobjects.com.au:443
Certificate state: Certificate signing authority is unknown or invalid.
Valid from: 	Tuesday 02 October 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Valid until: 	Friday 21 November 2008 23:59:59 GMT
Serial number:	35812564596453434727481504689840552580
MD5 digest: 	6B:B7:50:69:C5:BA:AE:EF:73:61:46:EA:A9:99:3E:C5
Cipher in use: 	AES256-SHA
Details: 	AES256-SHA SSLv3 Kx=RSA Au=RSA Enc=AES(256) Mac=SHA1
SSL version: TLSv1/SSLv3
Cipher strength: 256 bits used of a 256 bit cipher

Any help appreciated,


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