Kubuntu Gutsy and kmix volume

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 06:32:23 UTC 2007

Okay, okay, I did it. I've got Gutsy installed and I'm suffering all the 
usual "moving-in" stuff. I may post a few questions from here, but this one 
is about sound.

My kmix icon has no effect on overall volume. I can't mouse-wheel over it to 
inc/dec the volume and mute does nothing.

It seems, from my kmix settings (and alsamixer) that "PCM" is controlling the 
master volume. How can I change that to one of the others (like 3D surround) 
that seems to respond? Or, how can I change things so that PCM works as 

Halp! :)


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