HardDisk killer

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Fri Nov 30 15:40:24 UTC 2007

Gianluca Cerminara wrote:
> Why did you unistall smartmontools? I use it to monitor the status of
> the HD and its temperature since I applied the fix...

Because the presence of smartmontools increased the problem. This is what 
I posted to the ubuntu-users list some time ago:

| The problem doesn't exist in Dapper. I checked it with my laptop the
| other day. There are WinXP, Dapper and Gutsy partitions. The result was
| this: 
| Windows XP: No increment of the counter.
| Dapper: No increment of the counter.
| Gutsy with smartmontools installed: 1 increment / 30s.
| Gutsy without smartmontools: 1 increment / 90s when on battery.
|                              1 increment / 125s when on power.

Please note: The actual increment rate depends on your harddisk model.


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