Distribution upgrade

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sat Nov 17 17:00:30 UTC 2007

> The way to have a 'current' system with minimal updates is to continually
> push the tested packages from the "unstable" system to the "stable"
> system - but getting that cycle down to less than 6 months seems
> unrealistic (if anyone had asked me, I'd have said 6 month cycles were
> unrealistic!).  
How does this differ from:

> The one thing I'd really like to see from Ubuntu is 
> a "current" repo - like Debian's "stable" - that always points to the
> current stable release.

I don't know Debian. It sounds like it has a 'stable' repo that's always close 
to being up to date and you can just roll onwards. Even if it's 6 monthly, 
that's *still* better than upgrading an entire O/S  -- with all the heavy 
lifting that brings.

If that's the case, then Ubuntu would really benefit, but I suppose there are 
complexicated reasons why they don't.

Unless I got it all wrong :)


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