Distribution upgrade

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 00:45:41 UTC 2007

Chris Miller wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2007 2:54 PM, Stew Schneider <stew.schneider at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, here I am with the servers I run for non-profits running Dapper and
>> my home machine running Feisty, and I pose the question: What does Gutsy
>> offer over Feisty that would motivate me to undertake an upgrade, given
>> that anytime you move the table you risk making some of the chess men
>> fall down?
> Overall?  Probably not much.  However, the nice thing about Linux is
> that you don't *have* to upgrade if you don't feel like it.  
That's pretty much the way I had it parsed as well. I've run Gutsy under 
virtualbox, and it's certainly a nice distribution, but I never found 
that "WOW! Gotta have that!" place. Nothings nagging at me to upgrade 
(thank you, Canonical)

"It ain't broke..." seems to be the proverb for this situation. All my 
non-profits are frankly boring, they're so stable, and my desktop is 
mostly email and web, both of which work flawlessly on a $100 Gateway 
box. Not much to complain about there. I think I'll just watch from the 
sidelines ;->

Thanks for the reply.


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