Kubuntu Promo Artwork

Jonathan Patrick Davies jpatrickdavies at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 21:21:29 UTC 2007

Hello everyone!

I'm going to do some publicity of publicity. I've set up a Kubuntu Promo 
Artwork repos.

It can be found here:


To get and build the PNGs run (install 'bzr' first):

bzr branch 

And do from the new folder:

If anyone knows of any other artwork which would make a good addition to the 
repos, feel free to drop me an email with a link and I'll upload it for 
others (preferably in SVG format).

Or maybe you could translate into another language, just grab the -en.svg 
version of what you want to translate and start editing away! - I personally 
use Kate - and then send the translation to me for inclusion. Corrections are 
also welcome.

Note: in order to get the accents for the Ubuntu title font, you need to have 
the package from Hardy.

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