Feeling like a 2nd class citizen

Paul Lemmons paul at lemmons.name
Tue Nov 27 06:04:54 UTC 2007

Jonathan Jesse wrote:
> Good evening,
> I am getting frustrated with using Konqueror as my default browser.  I
> don't know if I just have some problems, or its the fact that I am running
> 64-bit Kubuntu, but it is getting to the point that browsing the web is
> just easier, and more fun in Internet Explorer

I am sure others will suggest the same but use firefox instead.

apt-get install firefox

to install it.

I use it as my one and only browser. It does flash just fine. It works 
excellently with Gmail and travel sites. Occasionally there is a bit of 
trouble on some of the news video sites but even there I am beginning to 
find it works without issue. I don't use Windows or IE at all and I 
manage quite happily and without many compromises.

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