Quick conversion from mp3 to wav

Paul Lemmons paul at lemmons.name
Tue Nov 27 06:38:20 UTC 2007

Luca wrote:
>>> Hi All.
>>> I need a program available on kubuntu repository to convert some mp3
>>> tracks to wav files...
>>> I'm sorry but I cant find any usefull by the apt-cache search command...

K->System->Adept Manager

search for "soundconverter"
search for "sox"

I have not tried either it but it looks like what you are looking for. 
The following command should convert all of your mp3's to wav's

 > cd MyMusic
MyMusic>  find . -print0 -name "*.mp3" | sed -e "s/\.mp3$//" | xargs  
-0tI {} sox "{}.mp3" "{}.wav"

It is also possible to do with mplayer but it is a little more complex. 
This would be useful only if you already have mplayer installed with mp3 

Just out of curiosity... why mp3->wav? Do you sell hard disks?

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