
Art Alexion art.alexion at
Thu Nov 8 17:16:33 UTC 2007

On Thursday 08 November 2007 10:58:02 Derek Broughton wrote:
> I love Konqueror for file & web browsing.  I _want_ both together, and I
> want them integrated with kio slaves.  Firefox (or opera) fails on both
> counts

konq is nice and speedy to start, but on my system loads pages slower than 
firefox -- something about wanting to load all of the graphics before it 
renders the page.  If it is having trouble with an image, nothing is 
rendered, rather than the mozilla broken-image icon.

And the ability to to browse the network, the local machine, and render html 
is very nice, but I can't access my bank or my webmail with it, and that's a 
deal breaker in terms of exclusive use.

Konq is a grade A++ file manager, but at best a grade B web browser.

I HATE dolphin.

> . 
> >  Tho not as simple as Netscape 3,
> LOL.  I'm a geek-dinosaur, but I'm not sure even I used Netscape 3.

I remember Netscape 0.9 which was about 750 k in windows -- smaller than the 
average web page these days.

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