Problem with OpenOffice and compiz

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at
Sat Nov 17 13:21:13 UTC 2007

On Saturday 17 November 2007 03:30, Eduardo P. Román O. wrote:
>         I'm installed Kubuntu with Compiz and it's great, but when I open a
> .doc or .xls the open office it's open maximize
maximize?  Perhaps not the result or the square button, but over maximized 
through a mouse resize action.
> and can't see the menu, 
Why can't you see the menu? Is your window bigger than the screen?
> here have a very problem, Anyone has see this or any ideas to workaround
> this ???

If I understood your problem correctly, I would try <ALT+ left mouse button>: 
click in your window and drag to access the maximise (square) button, click 
it and the window should shrink to full screen.

This may not work. 
The experiments I did (on Feisty and Suse 9.3) were to minimize and 
close. The window would come back as it was if it fitted in the screen. 
When I resized the window to be heigher than the screen and moved it so that 
neither the top nor the bottom were visible (ctrl+q to quit). It came back in 
the same horizontal position (which was narrower than the screen) but the 
height had been adjusted to have top and bottom visible.
So perhaps my idea was not the good one or something else is "broken" on your 


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