Setup woes

Bill Vance kbun at
Wed Nov 28 01:35:40 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton (news at had this to say on 11/27/07 at 10:35: 

>> Mike Leone wrote:
>> > Nils Kassube wrote:
>> >> Bill Vance wrote:
>> >>> Ok, I tried, "sudo ls", and got:
>> >>>
>> >>>   sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0740, should be 0440
>> >> 
>> >> As you can't use the sudo command any more, I think you should boot to
>> >> recovery mode now.
>> > 
>> > That's one of the reasons why I always put a password on "root", and use
>> > "su". YMMV.
>> Pretty weak.  He only got this way by doing things he shouldn't - so you'd
>> like to make it easier to do things you shouldn't...
>"Shouldn't"? Using "su" is pretty standard Linux practice. And everyone should have
>the freedom to run their system the way they like, don't you think?
>Otherwise, that's pretty weak. If they want to do things only the Ubuntu
>way, fine. If they want to do things other ways, also fine.
>You don't *have* to follow all things the Ubuntu way, if you don't want to.

Which brings up something I've been noticing.  I've gone through running an
Amiga dos UUCP site with a Unix style shell, to three upgrades of Caldera
Linux, to one of SUSE, and now Kubuntu.  While the past systems, (and Kubuntu
as well), all had a bit of a learning curve, this is the first time I've got
the feeling of, "We're not going to let you do this, just because we don't
like it that way, so there!"  Then I noticed that the system tends to lose
track of who is doing what when one of the available shells is being run by
"root".  In other words, you can't do a really long, complex, job of some sort
as root, and take an occaisional email break, (or whatever), in another shell
as, "user", without things getting a little kinky.  I'll refrain from trying to
deduce which is caused by which, (maybe it's something else, entirely).

Don't get me wrong, Kubuntu seems a fine system in a lot of ways, but I can't
quite shake the feeling that, "someone up there", needs to take the training
wheels off their tricycle.


               *                                              *    
    RKBA!      *        Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!!       *       4-19!
               *                                              *    

An _EFFECTIVE_  | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every |  by Colt;  | --Max Planck             | weapon, sell his
hand = Freedom  |    Dial    | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a
on every side!! |  1-911-A1  | Word.  --The Holy Bible  | sword. --Jesus Christ


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