Email Client

Joan Tur joantur at
Thu Nov 15 20:07:52 UTC 2007

Es Dijous, 15 de Novembre de 2007, en Tipton, Timothy va escriure:
| Is it just me, or is there no email client included with the install of
| Kubuntu 7.10? Normally I use gmail's web mail - but am thinking of
| setting up IMAP style with that same account - last night I went to
| check it out and low and behold, there's no email client (that I can
| see) installed...? I would think Kmail at the least would be there... am
| I just missing it?
| Thanks,
| Tim

Kontact is the included PIM, and kmail is the email client.  Kontact is in my 
Internet menu entry.

If it isn't there you can try either installing it (aptitude install 
kontact -includes kmail, korganizer, kaddressbook- or simply aptitude install 

Hope that helps  ;)

Joan Tur (aka Quini), Eivissa-Spain
    Jabber: quini2k at
  Linux #190.783 - Ubuntu #15.255
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