Problems With Sound

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Tue Nov 6 12:14:26 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Paul Kaplan wrote:
> The following worked for me on a sound-dead Feisty:
> Launch the kde control panel (kcontrol).
> Go to KDE Components, then Service Manager
> Unselect KMilo under Startup Services
> Paul
> On Tuesday 06 November 2007 5:57:31 am Graham wrote:
>> On Mon, 5 Nov 2007 10:13:07 -0500
>> "Andrew Jarrett" <jarrett.andrew at> wrote:
>>> Perhaps your sound is turned down *really* low?  I had a problem with
>>> Gutsy's sound and then realized that the volume was very very low (at
>>> max volume I could barely hear anything).  Try running "alsamixer"
>>> from the command prompt and play around in there (turn up the volume
>>> and unmute channels).  "OO" means the channel is unmuted and "MM"
>>> means the channel is muted.
>>> HTH,
>>> Andrew
>> Thanks Andrew, but it didn't work.
>> KMix toggled between my on board sound and my Creative Labs
>> SoundBlaster MP3+ device, but alsamixer frustratingly continued to
>> connect to the onboard sound (even though the jack port seems to be
>> disconnected). Neither of them output any sound.
>> Can anyone else help?
>> --
>> Graham Todd
I am really not qualified to help, but maybe this will jog your own mind
 to a new possibility.  If sound is an option on your mother board, it
should be turned off for a sound card to work properly.  I am not
instructed, so maybe this isn't right, however, if I am, you must turn
off the onboard sound and there won't be anything to switch back and
forth with.  The computer should go straight to your sound card then.
You were given good advice about the midi, though.  That was a problem
for a short time with my installation.  I adjusted the volume up on the
midi where I was able; now the sound is both good and healthy.  Sounds
great.  Maybe the bios is where you turn off the onboard sound, I don't
know; you may even have to do it on the motherboard itself.  I just
don't know.

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