User groups

Neil Winchurst neil at
Fri Nov 2 08:48:42 UTC 2007

On Thu, 1 Nov 2007 16:15:52 -0400
"Brad De Vries" <devriesbj at> wrote:

> On 10/31/07, Neil Winchurst <neil at> wrote:
> > > a) This is not a user group.
> > >
> > My mistake. So what is it then?
> This is an e-mail distribution list.  When you send an e-mail message
> to kubuntu-users at, that message gets distributed to
> subscribers all over the world.  The purpose of a list like this is to
> share information through questions, answers, comments, suggestions,
> etc. with people that have a similar interest.  In the case of this
> list, the Kubuntu operating system.
Thanks for the explanation - I hadn't understood the distinction. So
just this one email list serves the whole world! That's great.

> > > b) Try google
> > >
I have now been told about which gives
me the information that I needed.

Many thanks

Neil Winchurst

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