KDE warning that scripts are running slowly

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sat Nov 24 02:51:46 UTC 2007

On Friday 23 November 2007, David McGlone wrote:
> Here's my trick: I tell her a little 'bout something someone does and in no
> time she's off to dial up my mother and gossip nonstop for hours about it.
> It works every time. :-)


That's a great strategy, but she doesn't know any of the people I'm in a 
position to know anything about, so there's no impact from any gossip I might 
bring home.  I'm a truck driver, and I spend most of my life completely 

As much as I keep hoping to get rescued due to all my fame and glory in 
Linuxdom, I do have to admit that I like spending most of my life completely 
alone.  I guess I'm hoping somebody will pay me to sit at home in my 
underwear one day, more than I'm actually hoping for an office job.

(I keep hoping the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will accept my proposal 
to support my development efforts on Rosegarden.  Why doesn't the phone 

D. Michael McIntyre 

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