Feeling like a 2nd class citizen

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at freesurf.ch
Wed Nov 28 17:22:16 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 27 November 2007 21:45, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Sylviane et Perry White wrote:
> > I followed that thread with interest, usually use Konk, but switcht to
> > firefox if I need.
> > Perhaps I will implement the strategie suggested by Derek  "Change
> > Browser Identification" [tells you how whicked some corporations are !]
> > (it is not the first time I read about that).
> To be fair, it's not usually "wicked", it's just sloppy.  They write
> javascript that needs to use specific work-arounds for different browsers,
> instead of just using non-browser specific code - or using a product like
> prototype or dojo which takes it out of your hands.
> --
> derek

Thanks Derek, Nils and Dotan,

Derek, do you mean a site will format the data differently for different 
browsers, but if that site is tricked into beliving it is sending to another 
browser, the result may be better?
(no sarcasm on my part, I'm just very ignorant on this topic)

Nils wrote:
> May I suggest you use an obviously fake browser ID? Something like IE 11.3 
> on Mac OSX. Until now i found no site that didn't accept it. they seem to 
> only look for MSIE with a number >= 5
Seriously you tried that, declaring your browser is as  IE 11.3  (the only one 
of its kind, I guess), with better results as when declaring it as Konk?

Dotan wrote:
> Why not adapt a parallel strategy and write to those responsible for
> the websites in question? I have found that most websites, large and
> small, are in fact willing to make the necessary changes once enough
> people ask them to.
I would consider that strategy If I were certain the problem comes from them 
and not from me, but I'm way to ignorant.

For example when I install some codecs and then Firefox is able to display a 
video but not Konq, can I blame the website or did I just fail to make Konq 
aware of this codec?

Another example is when a site appears to have different codings for the 
"background" page and some text it displays in an "inner window".
By changing the coding I can get the correct representation of the french 
accentuated characters on the outer or inner parts, but not both together.
(Now I am sorry I missed the opportunity to mark that link and look it up 
under M$)

Greetings		Perry

BOFH excuse #340: Well fix that in the next (upgrade, update, patch release, 
service pack)

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