Feeling like a 2nd class citizen

Anton Rolls anton at wilddsl.net.au
Wed Nov 28 00:54:32 UTC 2007

Hi Dotan,

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 27/11/2007, Anton Rolls <anton at wilddsl.net.au> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Jonathan Jesse wrote:

>>> I am getting frustrated with using Konqueror as my default browser.  I
>>> don't know if I just have some problems, or its the fact that I am running
>>> 64-bit Kubuntu,

>> It sounds like the solution for you might be to
>> install the win32 version of Firefox and install the
>> flash plugin.

>> Anton.
> You run the windows version of Fx in wine? You are aware that you can
> run 32 bit Firefox on a 64 bit system, no?
> Dotan Cohen

Oops, I'm on 32-bit and missed that the original poster's machine
is 64-bit. I don't know how well Firefox for Windows runs on 64-bit.



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