(New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 14:28:21 UTC 2007

On 11/20/07, Donn <donn.ingle at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Seemingly, the Kubuntu 7.10 Linux distribution still has an old version
> > of Thunderbird: This is the version that has been installed on
> > my laptop.
> I don't know why the option to upgrade is unavailable, but it *could* be that
> there is *no* new version in the Ubuntu repos. You see, the software you get
> in the repos is almost always old software -- stuff that works.
>  If you want to keep up to date with the latest releases then you can choose
> to download the apps and install them manually. Go visit the Thunderbird
> website and download the Linux version. I reckon it should work. (But keep
> your fingers crossed :) )
> hth
> /d

Right.  The option "Check for Updates" is disabled in both Firefox and
Thunderbird (and any other app) because most Linux distributions try
to keep the software as stable as possible.  In this case, the new
Thunderbird is probably being reviewed to make sure that it won't
break any other software (because of different versions of libraries
and such) or cause some unforeseen problems.  You can try compiling
the version from the mozilla website, but you can't be guaranteed that
it won't break any other software on your computer (it probably won't
though, but you never know).


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