Empty inittab after installing capidriver

Jens Strohschnitter exim-ml at rwz.de
Wed Nov 21 08:58:43 UTC 2007

> > after installing the fritz-packages my inittab seems to be replaced
> > with some settings from the avm-fritz-capi driver.
> > Is it possible to send me a default-inittab via pm ?
> What version of Kubuntu are you talking about? For Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) 
> there is no inittab file.

Yep 7.10. Ok - after a new install I've seen that there is no inittab.
But by the way, where do I configure the default-runlevel, when there is
no inittab ? On other distributions there is an entry in the inittab. But
where is it stored under kubuntu ? 


     Jens Strohschnitter

* http://www.jens-strohschnitter.de *
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