Openoffice, SAMBA and CIFS client

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Wed Nov 7 08:35:46 UTC 2007

For a very long time I have had the "opposite" issue- not being able to 
open files on a Win2003 server using OpenOffice without more tinkering 
than I can remember.

The solution finally presented itself with Kubuntu 7.10, a newer version 
of smb4k that sorted all my problems. So in other words - did you try smb4K?


Jordi Ferrando Fabra wrote:
> I have a long standing issue regarding Openoffice, SAMBA and CIFS.
> Here is my scenario:
> - I am the administrator of a network in a small development company 15 
> employees
> - We installed 4 years ago a linux server for file sharing (samba) to 
> replace the ageing WNT server, that has gradually added new services: 
> email (postfix), mysql and firebird databases, iptables firewall, dns 
> server, dhcp server, etc
> - All of the developers use W2000 and WXP desktops, but I have a kubuntu 
> 7.10 desktop in a powerfull dual core, 4GB RAM machine with VMWare 
> workstation to run virtualized W2000 and other linux images.
> I configured CIFS to access the SAMBA shares in the kubuntu 7.10 server 
> (the server is really a desktop), and I mount it at boot-up using an 
> script that does:
> mount -t cifs // /home/jferrando/espada -o 
> credentials=/etc/smbc.jordi,iocharset=utf8
> The CIFS filesystem works fine, but: Openoffice does not lock files 
> properly. It worked decent in kubuntu 7.04, but after upgrading to 7.10 
> the situation that I have is that I can open r/w a file in the server, 
> but when I create a new file and try to save it in the server (the file 
> does not exist yet) I get an I/O error.
> After a hard and long struggle, I managed to have some decent locking 
> capability by adding the options to my samba server:
> /etc/samba/smb.conf
> ...
> kernel oplocks = no
> ...
> [datos]
>    comment = Directorio datos NETPLC/INTRANSYS
>    path = /datos
>    read only = No
>    browseable = yes
>    guest ok = no
>    printable = no
>    create mask = 0770                   #Esta es una máscara - Quita los 
> permisos de o+rwx, pero no añade
>                                         #Permisos a user ni group
>    force create mode = 0770             #Añade permisos a los ficheros 
> creados
>    directory mask = 2770                #Análogo a create mask pero para 
> directorios
>    force directory mode = 2770          #Añade permisos a los 
> directorios creados
>    security mask = 0000                 # 0s = security bits that user 
> is NOT allowed to change
>                                         # 1s = security bits that user 
> is allowed to change
>    force security mode = 2770           # Bits that are always set ON 
> when modifying the security of a file
>    directory security mask = 0000       #Análogo a security mask para 
> directorios
>    force directory security mode = 2770
>    oplocks = yes
>    share modes = yes
>    locking = yes
>    strict locking = no
>    blocking locks = no
> Anyone of you in my situation?
> -- 
> *Jordi Ferrando Fabra*
> *Director Técnico* * NETPLC*
> Camino Viejo Castellón-Onda SN
> 12540 Vila-real (Castellón) España
> Tlf: (+34) 964 506 174 Fax: (+34) 964 506 173
> <>

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