Anybody config postfix to use auth-smtp

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Fri Nov 30 13:33:03 UTC 2007

Eduardo P. Román O. wrote:
> Hi
> 	I been installed postif on my ubuntu-server 7.10, it's great. Then I put 
> there a postfix, and I need to use like SMTP server, only to send mail using 
> and e-mail auth smtp from my ISP. 
> 	I try to config postfix with sals, but always I get the same problem , the 
> from of my email it's the host_machine at mydomain, and not the 
> user_email at myisp, that's why the ISP say me, can't login, invalid user.
> Any Idea ???
I just finished doing this, using the howto's at,-postfix-and-gmail

It's tedious, but it can be done, and seems to work fine.


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