Setup woes

Bill Vance kbun at
Thu Nov 29 09:25:28 UTC 2007

On Wed Nov 28 08:54:58 2007 Derek Broughton wrote:

>Bill Vance wrote:
>> Derek Broughton (news at had this to say on 11/27/07 at
>> 10:35:
>No, I didn't.  Please try to keep the attributions straight.
>>>You don't *have* to follow all things the Ubuntu way, if you don't want
>> Which brings up something I've been noticing.  I've gone through running
>> an Amiga dos UUCP site with a Unix style shell, to three upgrades of
>> Caldera
>> Linux, to one of SUSE, and now Kubuntu.  While the past systems, (and
>> Kubuntu as well), all had a bit of a learning curve, this is the first
>> time I've got the feeling of, "We're not going to let you do this, just
>> because we don't like it that way, so there!" 
>There's no paternalism going on here.  It's _really_ easy to enable a root
>prompt.  It is, in my own opinion, a Really Bad Idea, but Ubuntu in no way
>prevents you from doing stupid things.  Ubuntu doesn't say "you can't do
>this", it simply doesn't enable a root account because it isn't necessary
>and it's a security hole.
>> Then I noticed that the system tends to lose 
>> track of who is doing what when one of the available shells is being run
>> by "root".  In other words, you can't do a really long, complex, 
>> job of some sort as root, and take an occaisional email break, (or
>> whatever), in another shell
>> as, "user", without things getting a little kinky.  I'll refrain from
>> trying to deduce which is caused by which, (maybe it's something else,
>> entirely).
>Could you give some examples?  I just don't understand what you're
>suggesting - whether using "su" or "sudo", "the system" keeps track of "who
>is doing what" perfectly well - certainly no worse than any other linux. 
>Additionally, with sudo, it logs that...  (btw, both su and sudo exist on
>RedHat-based systems, and as far as I can see are identical to Ubuntu's).

I mentioned some problems with the distro in my just previous reply.  I'll
bring up some details as I get around to dealling with each.  Too many things
going on at one time just makes everything more confusing.


               *                                              *    
    RKBA!      *        Blessings on thee, oh Israel!!!       *       4-19!
               *                                              *    

An _EFFECTIVE_  | Insured by | All Matter is vibration. | Let he who hath no
weapon in every |  by Colt;  | --Max Planck             | weapon, sell his
hand = Freedom  |    Dial    | In the beginning was the | garment, and buy a
on every side!! |  1-911-A1  | Word.  --The Holy Bible  | sword. --Jesus Christ


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