Compiz minimums

Andrew Jarrett jarrett.andrew at
Thu Nov 1 01:55:31 UTC 2007

On Oct 31, 2007 9:43 PM, Adrienne J Davis <dreadgeek at> wrote:
> I would really like to use Compiz and KDE. I suspect, however, that I won't
> be able to not and have it useable. But I'm not sure. I have installed it a
> few times now, and it works but it is painfully slow for the most part which
> makes it unusable.
> I know what the Compiz developers say are minimum to run Compiz but I'm
> curious as to what people have found is minimal to be useable.
> Here's the relevant parts of my system:
> Proc:AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+ 1,466.85 MHz
> RAM: 1G
> Video card: GeForce4 MX 440 64MB
> I suspect that my video card just can't handle it. The reason I'm asking is
> that I'm not sure if it is how I have Compiz configured or my system.
> Any thoughts/advice/inputs would be appreciated.
> Cheers
> Aj

It looks like you should be fine with running Compiz.  It's not as
intensive as running a video game or anything.  The determining factor
may be what bus your video card is using, but even plain old PCI
should handle it fine. BTW, this is just an educated guess and not a


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