(New to Linux/ Ubuntu) "Update manager": how to find it and work with it in Kubuntu?

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Nov 23 16:51:41 UTC 2007

Bas Roufs wrote:

> Esteemed members of the Kubuntu user group

!!  First you thank us for our help, and now we're "esteemed".  You
definitely win the prize for most polite new user!

> Several comments that came in after my recent mail on Thunderbird
> pointed on the possibility to update software from the 'Kubuntu' or
> 'Ubuntu' 7.10 'repository' by means of the regular 'update manager': not
> only for Thunderbird, but also for other software updates. I understood
> this would be a way to update without endangering the system stability.
> To such an system stability approach I attach much importance. I
> understood also that the Thunderbird update that is available in the
> repository, is at present. One or two times I did find somewhere
> and somehow an 'update manager'. However, I do not always manage to find
> it when I'm looking for it :-).

In the K menu, "System", it's called Adept Manager and/or Manage Packages
(depending whether your menu is set to display program names or

> Moreover, I am not convinced that I 
> already CORRECTLY used it, because I still have version on my
> laptop, although I did one or two times something with that update
> manager :-). 

Somebody said the T-bird "About" was showing but the real version
was - use aptitude or Adept to show what version you actually have
installed according to Ubuntu.


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