SOLVED: Re: (New to Kubuntu/ Linux) Update/ upgrade difficulties Thunderbird.

Donn donn.ingle at
Wed Nov 21 13:25:09 UTC 2007

> I hope this short report is useful for others working with Thunderbird
> in more than one language.
Nice feedback Bas, thanks.
 You may find as your Kubuntu gets older that you become frustrated at how 
slowly new software arrives. Eventually it gets to a point where the new 
distros have all the latest stuff and yours will never see another byte of 
new code. 
 That's when the most conservative of us will reluctantly upgrade to a new 
version of Kubuntu/whatever -- it's a balance between a stable "just-works" 
system and the desire/need for the latest software and it always picks a 
Sunday in ones' future and ruins it totally :D

Keep on having fun with Gnu/Linux, there's nothing better!


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