missing plugins

Edmund Laugasson ed.lau at mail.ee
Tue Nov 6 07:41:38 UTC 2007

> hello! community, I'm unable to watch videos using Firefox browser it complains about missing plugins, i've read some postings on this issue and even tried   using adobe flash to no success i'll really appreciate any input on this issue and perhaps a walk-through on how to install the tar..gz I'm using the Kubuntu 7.10 feisty. I'm still new with this OS and I find it very interesting so far, i'm a windows user transitioning to Linux.

1) Add the Medibuntu repository - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu - see the chapter 
"Adding the Repositories"

E.g. in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy):
a) sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O 
b) wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get 

2) Install codecs - see the chapter "Playing Non-Native Media Formats"

E.g. in 32-bit systems:
sudo apt-get install w32codecs

3) Install mplayerplug-in for Firefox:
sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer

It installs also appropriate version of mplayer as dependency if you don't have already mplayer. 
Firefox, I guess, should be installed by default in Ubuntu.

I suggest install also:
sudo apt-get install mplayer-fonts mplayer-skins

Also after each installation run:
sudo ldconfig && sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a && sudo apt-get clean
This makes mandatory configurations and cleanings instead of doing restart as probably in Windows 
should do.

4) Then open Firefox and write to the address bar about:plugins and press Enter. Now you see the 
codecs, which are supported by mplayer and its plugins

Now if you go to somewhere and would like to see embedded videos, mplayerplug-in should do the 
trick. Also you may during video playback make right mouse click on the video and gain access to 
mplayerplug-in settings. On right bottom corner you may see small button, which gives the 
opportunity to switch full screen mode. You may also try usual mplayer keyboard shortcuts. Also see 
the man mplayer page for further instructions and possibilities.

Best Regards,

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