mail notification for t-bird? (for dapper)

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at
Tue Nov 20 20:28:29 UTC 2007

Have you tried kbiff. I had it in dapper, and I am now on feisty and I 
use it all the time. It sits in ksystray, and notifies you independent 
of TB.

Here is the package description for dapper:

anthony baldwin wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there something to run in the ksystray or something to tell me when
> I have new mail msgs, that works while t-bird is not running?
> I installed the mozbiff extention thingy, but it only shows up when 
> t-bird is running.
> Whe t-bird is running, I know when I have new mail.
> What I want is something that will alert me when t-bird is not running, 
> so I know
> to open t-bird and check the mail.
> Oh...btw, I know there is one for feisty and it works quite well.
> It´s great.  It shows an alert, and even shows all of what mail came in a
> bubble/text box just by hovering over it.  Then you can click on the
> little thingy, and t-bird (or your preferred client...this one would work
> with kmail, evolution, etc.) opens right up.
> That´s precisely what I want.  But for dapper.
> I don´t recall it´s precise name, but, anyway, I am using dapper/kubuntu.
> The feisty one is in the repos and I synaptic-ed it right in.
> I´m not finding the same in the dapper repos, but, I can install by 
> other means,
> if someone can't point the way to where I can find such a thingy.
> thanks,
> tony

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