Blocking updates of Kernel

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at
Sun Nov 11 22:49:05 UTC 2007

On Saturday 10 November 2007 10:49:02 am Thilo Six wrote:
> Mike Leone wrote the following on 10.11.2007 15:42
> >>> How do I prevent kernel from updating, during updates ?
> >>
> >> Why want someone to block security related fixes to apply to the system?
> >
> > Because the updates could break other patches you have applied to your
> > system, perhaps.
> i think someone else is breaking your system when you do not apply the
> patches provided via *-security.
> Remember, at last with the announce as USN they are widely known.
> imho in that case there is no way around to apply your personal patches
> again (against the "newly" released linux-source package from the USN)
> bye
> --
> Thilo
> key: 0x4A411E09

There are times when specialized drivers, such as Storage, or other hardware, 
has only been tested with a specific kernel release.  Due to that, it is 
advantageous on Servers to block kernel updates until you have had a chance 
to test them and recompile the drivers, etc.  

You may also need to get buy in for a kernel update from a vendor, whose app 
was only certified on a specific rev level.  

You also may be running a customized kernel and don't want the pre-compiled 
version from security.

There are lots of reasons a specific application may need to be blocked from 

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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