setting konq default view

Anton Rolls anton at
Sat Nov 24 01:39:47 UTC 2007


D. R. Evans wrote:
> I know I have done this in the past, but I can't find my notes anywhere :-(
> In konq, how do I configure it so that whenever I use it as a file
> manager, I always get a tree view instead of icons?
> Sorry to ask such a basic question. I've looked in all the menus, and
> I can't find anything that suggests that it will change the default
> view. I tried setting the view to tree view and then saving the
> profile, thinking that surely that would work -- it didn't :-(

It's a bit strange that it doesn't auto-load the last profile.

Go to console and select the profile:

	konqueror --profile "Detailed File Management"

("Detailed File Management" is the profile I created myself,
using Konqueror's gui interface.)

You can also list the available profiles:
	man konqueror

When I look in the KDE Menu Editor, I see the command line
for Konqueror is:

	kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing

Changing the profile works:

	kfmclient openProfile "Detailed File Management"



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