Email Client

Paul Lemmons paul at
Fri Nov 16 07:57:06 UTC 2007

Graham wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:14:24 -0600
> "Tipton, Timothy" <Timothy.Tipton at> wrote:
>> Also, in the same spirit of email -> is Kmail a good/nice alternative
>> to say... Thunderbird or Evolution? What are your thoughts about it?
> My thoughts are that KMail is superior to Thunderbird, but TBird runs
> on a number of OS so if you are looking for cross-platform
> compatibility, that may be the easier way to go.
> But if you want to stick with Linux, Claws-Mail beats KMail hands down
I think I have tried every email client out there with the exception of 
Claws. I looked at the web site and did not see anything compelling. 
That is probably an indictment of the web site and not the product. I 
have seen it mentioned in a number of posts on a number of lists. What 
makes a claws person love claws? What makes it better than Kmail or 
T-Bird?. Does it work well in a corporate environment where just about 
everybody else uses Outlook and most mail is in HTML format?

I am a long time T-Bird user but I am willing to learn new tricks if it 
is worth the time and effort.

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